


David Whitford 2013-06-03



????徳坎特佐表示,他需要大約2,500萬美元來完成自己在珠三角的初期階段計(jì)劃,而要實(shí)現(xiàn)連接南至海南北到大連各地海灘、湖泊和水道的最終夢(mèng)想,他將需要2億美元資金。目前的一項(xiàng)工作就是設(shè)法取得中國民用航空局(the Civil Aviation Authority of China)頒發(fā)的通用航空經(jīng)營許可證。僅此一項(xiàng),可能就需要長(zhǎng)達(dá)18個(gè)月的時(shí)間。



????Passengers arriving at Shenzhen's modern airport from all over the world will be picked up at the gate, carried to the nearby Waterfront terminal, and from there flown to Macau by seaplane in about 15 minutes. The rollout plan calls for additional hubs upriver in Guangzhou, a major transit point for Chinese mainlanders; and at the old Hong Kong airport on the water in Kowloon. Ultimately de Kantzow envisions hundreds of regularly scheduled flights daily crisscrossing the populous Pearl River Delta, home to five cities with more than five million residents, and nearby ocean stretches of unspoiled natural beauty.

????Among de Kantzow's partners are a Canadian, Michael Agopsowicz, whose listed skills in the offering sheet include "proven political and bureau level lobbyist;" and a Chinese partner, Bert Kwok, who gets the chairman's title. He's still looking for a well-connected Chinese partner to protect what Waterfront Air has accomplished so far and speed the process of turning memorandums of understanding, like the one signed with Shenzhen airport authorities, into ironclad contracts.

????De Kantzow says he'll need about $25 million to complete the initial phase in the Pearl River Delta, and ultimately $200 million to fulfill his dream of connecting ocean beaches, lakes, and waterways from Hainan in the south to Dalian in the north. Job one right now is obtaining a general aviation permit from the Civil Aviation Authority of China. That could take up to 18 months.

????The other day I rode with de Kantzow by car from Hong Kong through the border crossing at Shenzhen: first to the airport, where he showed me the shell of Waterfront Air's future headquarters; then east to an area known as the Chinese Riviera, where we had lunch at a Sheraton resort overlooking a potential water landing site; and finally to a lovely, nearly empty beach, where we bought ice cream on a stick. Then we got back in the car for the three-hour drive back to Hong Kong. Too bad the seaplanes weren't running yet.

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