


Brian Dumaine 2013-06-07


????中國消費市場的增長:大型房地產(chǎn)企業(yè)大連萬達(dá)集團(tuán)(Dalian Group)董事長王健林對中國消費者的興起極為樂觀。他說,許多人都覺得中國有問題,中國的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長速度將放慢,但他認(rèn)為:“這些人都錯了?!彼赋?,中國仍在推進(jìn)城鎮(zhèn)化,而且正在著手進(jìn)行養(yǎng)老金改革。進(jìn)入城市的中國人“需要住房、工作,他們會去看電影,會下館子。因此,今后10年,中國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長率將達(dá)到8%,甚至更高?!彼硎?,一個證據(jù)就是,幾年前許多懷疑論者都說高鐵會是個重大失誤,而現(xiàn)在的“高鐵上是如此的擁擠”。

????接觸中國消費者:迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)董事長兼首席執(zhí)行官羅伯特?艾格表示,任何希望進(jìn)入中國市場的公司都必須真正了解中國消費者想要什么。他說:“有人覺得,既然科技為人們提供了進(jìn)入世界上各個市場的渠道,那就存在一種世界性文化。這是一種錯誤觀念。情況絕不是這樣。這樣想的公司會栽跟頭?!彼赋?,當(dāng)他把迪士尼帶到中國,“它就必須像是中國的迪士尼。”艾格說,上海迪士尼樂園動工之前,迪士尼在中國聽取了各種各樣的聲音,以便了解消費者到底想要什么。與會者都認(rèn)為,傾聽中國年輕一代的要求尤其重要,原因是他們所做的決定將影響銷售業(yè)績。如果他們喜歡某個產(chǎn)品,他們就會告訴自己的朋友和父母。

????以中國游客為目標(biāo):高檔服裝集團(tuán)博柏利(Burberry Group)首席執(zhí)行官安吉拉?阿倫茨表示,雖然中國人都在買奢侈品,但出國購物的中國人才是前景最好的市場之一。“2013年將有1億中國人出國旅游,他們在國外的支出是國內(nèi)消費的10倍以上?!睘榱俗プ∵@個趨勢,阿倫茨已經(jīng)為設(shè)在戰(zhàn)略性市場中的博柏利店鋪配備了會講普通話的售貨員。(財富中文網(wǎng))


????At today's town hall meeting at Fortune's Global Forum in Chengdu, China, leaders of some of the world's largest corporation engaged in a lively debate over the shape of China's changing culture. Mass-market tastes—especially among China's younger generation—are changing fast as urbanization, technology and travel remake consumer experiences and demands. The panelists discussed what lies ahead and how business needs to adapt. Here are the highlights:

????On the growth of China's consumer market: Wang Jianlin, the Chairman of the real estate giant Dalian Group, was extremely up beat about the rise of the Chinese consumer. Many people, he said, believe that China has problems and its growth will slow, but he added: "they are wrong." He pointed out that the nation was still urbanizing, pension reform is coming and the Chinese moving into the city "will need homes, jobs, and they will go to movies and restaurants. Therefore China over the next 10 years will grow at 8% or more." As one point of evidence he pointed out that a few years ago a lot of doubters said the bullet trains would be a big failure but today "the high speed trains are so crowded."

????On reaching the Chinese consumer: Robert Iger, the Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company (DIS) said that any company wishing to crack the China market has to really understand what the Chinese want. "There is a misconception," he said, "that because technology has created access to world markets that there is one world culture. That's absolutely not the case. Thinking that can trip up a company." He said that when he brings Disney to China, "it has to feel like China's Disney." Before starting construction on Shanghai Disneyland, Iger said that Disney listened to a lot of diverse voices in China to find out what the consumers really wanted. The panels all agreed that is was especially important to listen to what China's youth wanted because they are the opinion makers who will drive sales. If they like a product they will tell their friends and their parents.

????On targeting Chinese tourists: While the Chinese are buying luxury goods, one of the most promising markets, said Angela Ahrendts (BURBY), the CEO of the luxury clothing group the Burberry Group, are those traveling abroad to shop. "In 2013, 100 million Chinese will travel outside their country and they will spend 10 times more than they spend in China." To capitalize on this trend, Ahrendts has outfitted Burberry shops in strategic markets with Mandarin speaking sales clerks.

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