


John Gaudiosi 2013-06-13

????曾資助Riot Games公司的投資機構(gòu)頭標資本(FirstMark Capital)和標桿資本(Benchmark Capital)現(xiàn)在押注于Meteor Entertainment公司。這個新興的游戲發(fā)行商戰(zhàn)勝藝電等傳統(tǒng)游戲公司,收購了Adhesive Games公司及其免費科幻游戲《機甲世界》。Meteor Entertainment公司CEO馬克?朗曾以僵尸工作室(Zombie Studios)聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人的身份打拼多年,為多家發(fā)行商開發(fā)傳統(tǒng)的游戲機游戲。他說,傳統(tǒng)的發(fā)行模式要求游戲公司投資數(shù)千萬到數(shù)億美元用于游戲開發(fā),風險巨大。




????俄羅斯游戲發(fā)行商Wargaming公司曾在12年時間里制作各種零售PC游戲,但后來決定采用免費游戲模式,推出了大型多人在線二戰(zhàn)游戲《坦克世界》。帕切特認為,這款游戲擁有5,500萬注冊玩家,每年收入超過1.5億美元。在E3游戲展上,Wargaming公司將展示兩款新的大型多人在線二戰(zhàn)免費游戲,分別是《戰(zhàn)機世界》(World of Warplanes)和《戰(zhàn)艦世界》(World of Warships)。游戲上線后,玩家可以通過Wargaming公司網(wǎng)站上的統(tǒng)一賬戶系統(tǒng)登錄。


????The same investors who bankrolled Riot Games, FirstMark Capital and Benchmark Capital, are now hedging their bets on Meteor Entertainment. The startup publisher was able to outmaneuver traditional game publishers like Electronic Arts to secure Adhesive Games and its F2P sci-fi universe, HAWKEN. Mark Long, CEO of Meteor Entertainment, spent years working on traditional console games for a variety of publishers as the co-founder of Zombie Studios. He said the traditional publishing model, which requires game companies to invest tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars into the development of a game, is risky.

????"We decided to give HAWKEN the same production value you'd get from a 'AAA' game but offer it across multiple platforms as a F2P title," said Long. "We're bypassing retailers and going direct to consumers globally on day one. This model is a very ambitious leap forward for developers and publishers."

????Rather than relying on traditional marketing, publishers like Meteor used a free beta to let early gamers play the game while the developer fine-tunes the experience. The success of games like League of Legends has come from positive word of mouth, which is something that a TV commercial or banner ad isn't going to match. In fact, Long is taking his marketing for HAWKENinto a new transmedia realm. The company is developing a comic book, a live action Web series, and a feature film that will further expand the HAWKEN universe, and ultimately allow gamers to enter this world from multiple paths with zero friction.

????The advent of powerful tablets and smartphones powered by NVIDIA (NVDA) Tegra technologyhas opened new devices for HAKWEN to be played on. New smart TVs and streaming cloud services like Sony's Gaikai will also play a role in how F2P games evolve and reach an even larger mainstream audience over time.

????Russian game publisher Wargaming spent 12 years making retail PC games before deciding to go F2P with the WWII MMO World of Tanks. Pachter believes that game, which has over 55 million subscribers, pulls in over $150 million a year. At E3, Wargaming will be showcasing two new F2P WWII MMOs, World of Warplanes and World of Warships. The company will allow players to access all of these games, once launched, through a unified account system on Wargaming.net.

????"There will be forums, leaderboards, and statistics for players to check out, as well as tournaments and other types of social events across all three games," said Victor Kisly, CEO of Wargaming. "I can see people jumping from tanks, to battleships, to warplanes, from time to time, just to get a different experience. Warplanes are faster and more adrenaline-fueled with 3-D space maneuvering, while Warships is more of a strategic kind of battling because they're slower and have big guns. Tanks is the classical middle in terms of strategy."

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