


JP Mangalindan 2013-06-13






????In practice, that already makes for many user scenarios. Hawkinson has several hundred devices around his home hooked up. So when he goes to bed in the evening, objects automatically shut down, and the door locks if he's been forgetful. Eric Schuld, a 35-year-old early adopter in marketing from Detroit Lakes, Minn., read about the company in an online electronics forum, then discovered its Kickstarter page when it launched last August. Intrigued, Schuld became one of the 5,600 backers and now has 18 devices hooked up to SmartThings. If Schuld leaves the garage door open, he receives a text or notification on his iPhone, but SmartThings can also automatically shut the door for him. "It provides home automation in a way that is more affordable than others but also adds the next level of intelligence that seems to be missing in many of the current systems," explains Schuld.

????Having fulfilled most of the orders from Kickstarter, SmartThings is beginning general sales, and already there's a wait list. The next move for Hawkinson and crew? Let more devices work on their platform and offer more granular controls. So, while users can currently automate the temperature in their homes, Hawkinson wants to be able to control the air vents, so users can change the climate room-by-room and pots can track the health of plants, including the water, lighting, and acidity levels.

????A home connected down to each plant pot? That's dare we say it, smart.

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