


Miguel Helft 2013-06-18

羽量級選手:聯(lián)想的ThinkPad X1 Carbon是世界上最輕的14英寸超級本


????這間房是ThinkPad筆記本的陳列室,IBM在1992年首次推出了這款標(biāo)志性的黑盒造型筆記本。如今,21年過去了,伴隨著幾十種型號,ThinkPad如今的主人已經(jīng)換成了聯(lián)想(Lenovo)。聯(lián)想于2005年收購IBM PC事業(yè)部,繼續(xù)制造ThinkPad筆記本。它們理所成章地成為IBM ThinkPad的正統(tǒng)傳人。ThinkPad不僅僅是有史以來最暢銷的商務(wù)筆記本,它經(jīng)典的造型也堪稱計算機(jī)界最長壽的設(shè)計。






????A few rows of airline seats are bolted to the floor in a room with sweeping views of the North Carolina countryside at Lenovo's U.S. headquarters in Morrisville. It's an incongruous sight, until you realize that if you are going to make one of the most enduring tools for business travelers, well, you need to make sure it's going to work well on airplanes.

????The room is a showcase for the ThinkPad, the iconic black-box notebook computer that IBM (IBM) first introduced in 1992. Twenty-one years and dozens of models later, Lenovo, which bought IBM's PC business in 2005, is still making ThinkPads, which are instantly recognizable as descendants of that original model. Indeed, the ThinkPad is not only one of the bestselling business laptops of all time, but also the most enduring design in the history of the computer industry.

????Much of the responsibility for the ThinkPad's slowly evolving look falls on David Hill, 56, a soft-spoken Oklahoman, who joined IBM in 1985. He took over design of the ThinkPad line in 1995, as IBM was considering how to update a three-year-old computer that had become a mega-hit.

????"The question was, What are we going to do now?" Hill says of the time when he joined. "My view was that if it is not broken, why fix it?" The ThinkPads were selling so well that they had sparked a string of copycats. "So why not make it better?" he asked.

????Hill and his team of designers in North Carolina and Japan have been doing that ever since.

????The first ThinkPad was conceived by Richard Sapper, a renowned German-born designer. Sapper envisioned a device that would have the simplicity of a cigar box or a bento box. The process was not without hiccups. When Sapper chose a particular kind of red for a pointing stick that would be embedded into the keyboard to control the cursor, IBM's product safety group balked. Red, apparently, could only be used for emergency shutoff buttons, says Hill.

????Sapper quickly came up with a workaround. He varied the tone a bit a created a new color that he called "IBM magenta." After the new color got the okay from the product safety police, he gradually reverted the tone back to the red he had originally chosen, and no one seemed to notice. Nowadays, the red dot is an integral part of the ThinkPad design, and one that still elicits strong reactions: Users either love it or hate it.

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