


Patricia Sellers 2013-06-21













????What the Cannes Film Festival is to Hollywood, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has long been to Madison Avenue—and now to Silicon Valley too. Executives from Facebook (FB) and Google (GOOG) and Yahoo (YHOO) are here on the French Riviera, soaking up sun and connections with the marketing chiefs of Coca-Cola (KO), IBM (IBM), and lots of other Fortune 500 giants that have millions of dollars to spend.

????A question looming seaside: How does a marketer scale big ideas when delivery platforms are shifting constantly—and a mobile screen is a lousy way to view ads? Two executives at Facebook, "creative" boss Mark D'Arcy and director of engineering Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, and an ad-world all-star, David Droga of Droga5, joined me on the main stage Tuesday to talk about "Creativity at Scale." Big ideas, the panelists said, need to be focused (simplicity wins), participatory (connections drive scale) and sustainable--the best marketing campaigns build movements and communities of fans.

????But even tech folks derive business lessons from the past. To kick off our session, Facebook's D'Arcy told a story about an a very unlikely marketer who made a wild bet to reach the masses. The story is so odd and wonderfully relevant that I asked him if I could share it. So here's the story that Mark D'Arcy, Facebook's Head of Global Creative Solutions, told the crowd in Cannes:

????The Cannes Lions advertising Festival is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. So I asked myself: What was the biggest idea of the last 60 years? Which marketer took the biggest bet to drive scale like never before?"

????My answer involves a very traditional global organization that arguably faced its biggest launch in history. It had a brand new CEO, 27 years old, who wanted to choose a new storytelling platform that many experts said was trivial, unproven and best avoided.

????Guess who it was…

????The brave, young leader was Queen Elizabeth the Second.

????The organization was the British Royal Family.

????And the "launch" was the sacred, 1000-year-old coronation ceremony to be held in Westminster Abbey.

????The radical storytelling technology she employed? Television. Or to be specific, live television.

????On June 2, 1953, as the Queen was crowned in Westminster Abbey, the coronation was shown on live television to millions of people huddled around screens across Great Britain, and then around the world. It was a technical and cultural revolution.

????It's hard to believe that something we all take for granted like live TV was, 60 years ago, a radical, experimental idea. BBC technicians and engineers had to use every single piece of TV cable that existed in the country. And for the first time ever, more people experienced an event through television than on radio.

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