


Kevin Kelleher 2013-06-21




????2007年,iPhone橫空出世。消費(fèi)者立刻被吸引住了。蘋果公司(Apple)征服了世界。不管黑莓手機(jī)那個(gè)小鍵盤用起來(lái)是多么讓人上癮,也不管用它發(fā)郵件和短信是多么輕松自如,但iPhone憑借靈敏的觸摸屏和引人入勝的自帶應(yīng)用(想想Google Maps! iPhoto! Pocket Guitar!),立刻開啟了一個(gè)完全不同的后黑莓世界。




????當(dāng)時(shí),黑莓的股價(jià)已從6美元漲到14美元。的確,這是去年秋季股價(jià)的兩倍還多,但是要知道,這仍然是其5年前股價(jià)的十分之一?!朵撹F俠》(Iron Man)第一部上映時(shí),黑莓公司的股價(jià)是145美元。現(xiàn)在《鋼鐵俠3》都上映了,投資者當(dāng)時(shí)的投資額現(xiàn)在卻縮水了九成之多。

????大家讀到《蘋果大戰(zhàn)三星》這類頭條新聞時(shí),可能會(huì)想,黑莓真是玩完了。不過(guò)不是每個(gè)人都這么想的。還是有一幫堅(jiān)定的分析師和投資者認(rèn)為,黑莓最糟糕的時(shí)期已經(jīng)過(guò)去了。而詹姆斯?法賽特近期在一篇為太平洋皇冠證券(Pacific Crest)撰寫的短文中稱:“我們對(duì)黑莓的評(píng)級(jí)仍為負(fù)面,同時(shí)也相信,要靠黑莓10來(lái)打翻身仗,從而獲得可持續(xù)盈利能力,已經(jīng)變得越來(lái)越不可能。”

????Has any company in the technology sector seen higher highs and lower lows in the past decade than BlackBerry?

????If you remember, BlackBerry (BBRY) -- which earlier this year changed its name from the clunkier if more poetic name of Research-in-Motion -- once ascended to great heights. Ten years ago, it traded at a modest $15 a share. Then its reputation for making top-of-the-line phones with secure, reliable messaging -- along with an early lead in the budding smartphones -- pushed its stock up, up, up.

????So far up that, five years ago, the company's shares were trading around $145 a share, a tenfold increase in only five years. Bullish investors were confident the Canadian company that had created the best mobile phone ever -- well, at the time at least -- was poised to conquer the world. (RIM was once named Fortune's fastest-growing company in the U.S.) Instead smartphones got, well, smarter.

????In 2007, the iPhone came. Consumers saw. And Apple (AAPL) conquered. For all the addictive allure of the bubbly BlackBerry keypad under your thumbs, and no matter how much easier it was to type emails and messages on it, the iPhone's intuitive touchscreen and the seductive apps that came with it (Google Maps! iPhoto! Pocket Guitar!) pointed to a decidedly post-BlackBerry world.

????In that world, BlackBerry has struggled to find its role. And here is where the lows got pretty low. That stock price of $145 a share? It came one year after the iPhone appeared. Last year, it descended to $6 a share.

????BlackBerry promised a touchscreen phone that could rival the iPhone or the many the Android phones developed by Google (GOOG) that had appeared in its wake. Delivering a new mobile OS that had bugs would be product suicide, so Blackberry perfected its efforts, even though it meant delay after delay after delay. And by the time BB10 finally arrived in recent months, many had written the company off for good.

????Here's an illustration of how some investors had given up on the stock. Nine months ago, when BlackBerry's stock was trading near its recent lows, bearish investors had sold 88 million shares short, or two days its average daily volume (termed "days to cover" in Wall Street parlance). At the end of May, short interest had mounted to 171 million shares, or nine days to cover.

????In that time, BlackBerry's stock has risen from $6 a share to $14 a share. Yes, that's more than double its price last fall, but consider: It's still a tenth of its price five years ago. When the firstIron Man movie came out, you could have bought this company's stock for $145 a share. And now that Iron Man 3 is in theaters, you would have a dime for every dollar you invested.

????Reading headlines about the Apple vs. Samsung battle, you might think it's all over for BlackBerry. But not everyone thinks so. There remains a strong contingent of analysts and investors who think the worst days of this company are behind it. "We remain negative on BBRY and believe a turnaround to sustainable profitability based on BlackBerry 10 appears increasingly unlikely," James Faucette said in a recent note for Pacific Crest.

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