


Ken Hao 2013-06-25





????比如,阿里巴巴一直以來(lái)都在和成千上萬(wàn)的中國(guó)小商戶做交易。這些商戶獲得產(chǎn)品銷售的收入和毛利,而阿里巴巴的收入主要是靠基于效果的廣告和傭金,以及一系列重要的增值服務(wù)。阿里巴巴的獨(dú)特做法是,不向眾多商戶收取入場(chǎng)費(fèi),從而把自己的收入和這些商戶的成功經(jīng)營(yíng)更好地掛鉤【信息披露:銀湖投資(Silver Lake)是阿里巴巴的投資者之一】。


E-Commerce Monetization Machine

????The blessing of e-commerce is that when users enter the domains of Alibaba, Amazon, eBay (EBAY), or other popular destinations, they anticipate a commercial experience and are prepared to pay for it. Search companies and social media networks do not share this advantage. They must generate revenue using indirect methods and face greater risks that ads and other monetization efforts will impair the user experience.

????As the pioneer in e-commerce, Amazon relies upon a capital-intensive, vertically-integrated strategy to purchase inventory and run a massive network of warehouses and fulfillment centers. Operating as the online version of a full retail operation, Amazon recognizes completed product sales as its primary source of revenues and gross profits. Yet despite Amazon's enormous growth, its e-commerce success has come at massive capital cost and thin profit margins.

????In contrast, Alibaba and eBay run business models based on operating online marketplaces. These ecosystems are based on partnering, rather than competing with a vast spectrum of merchants, wholesalers, manufacturers, and logistics and delivery companies.

????Alibaba, for example, has entered into a grand bargain with thousands of Chinese merchants. The merchants receive the product revenue and gross profit while Alibaba's revenues are generated by a combination of performance-based advertising and commissions, as well as a range of important value-added services. Alibaba uniquely has chosen not to charge listing fees to better align its revenues with the success of its merchants. (Disclosure: Silver Lake is an investor in Alibaba)

????For the majority of businesses seeking to sell online in China, joining the Alibaba ecosystem has been a more effective strategy than trying to compete with it. Alibaba attracts over 100 million daily unique visitors who generate more sales volume than the global sites of Amazon and eBay combined and more than half of the parcel deliveries in China. Other smaller Chinese online retailers have pursued Amazon-type models in large shopping verticals but have consumed extraordinary amounts of cash in order to grow.

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