


Ken Hao 2013-06-25



??? 與搜索引擎或社交媒體企業(yè)相比,電商企業(yè)會(huì)收集消費(fèi)者、商戶和交易過程中所有的大數(shù)據(jù)。這些信息包括了從一開始的產(chǎn)品搜索到完成銷售的實(shí)際交易過程的所有“閉環(huán)數(shù)據(jù)”。隨著時(shí)間積累,挖掘這些數(shù)據(jù)就能向用戶提供更智能的商品推薦,向商戶和零售商提供更有價(jià)值的服務(wù)和工具。





Competition Among Giants

????Alibaba's model in China has interesting long-term implications for the ability of e-commerce players to encroach on paid search -- perhaps the greatest monetization machine ever invented. Today, the majority of users access an Alibaba site directly to search for products, effectively dis-intermediating Baidu and other search engines. E-commerce sites can provide merchants higher and more measurable returns on advertising by delivering real product sales, not just user impressions. Notably, Amazon and eBay are aggressively investing in next-generation search capabilities.

????In comparison to search or social media companies, e-commerce companies collect the Holy Grail of big data sets across consumers, merchants, and transactions. This information encompasses "closed loop" data based on actual transaction histories from initial product searches to completed sales. Over time, the mining of this data will enable more intelligent recommendations to users and enhanced value-added services and tools to merchants and retailers.

????In both the United States and China, the Internet giants in search -- Google (GOOG) and Baidu (BIDU) -- and social media -- Facebook (FB) and Tencent -- nurture ambitions to leverage their leadership positions and user traffic into e-commerce initiatives. Alongside Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay, they are aggressively positioning themselves to compete in local commerce markets and are looking for new footholds overseas. Competition and disruptive trends such as mobile and cross-border trade will lead to new monetization models and hybrid business strategies.

????The success of these technology powerhouses in the intensifying global e-commerce competition will, to a large degree, define the future of the global Internet economy -- and may possibly crown one of the Internet giants as the world's most valuable company.

????Ken Hao is a managing partner of Silver Lake, a global technology investment firm with $23 billion in assets under management and committed capital.

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