


Clay Dillow 2013-06-27


????仿佛是為了印證這種預(yù)測(cè),過去幾個(gè)月以來(lái)突然出現(xiàn)了一系列的設(shè)計(jì)比賽,它們都要求參賽者提交可以成為在災(zāi)害易發(fā)地區(qū)建設(shè)社區(qū)之新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的“極端天氣型建筑”解決方案。美國(guó)住房和城市發(fā)展部(the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)6月20日推出了一項(xiàng)名為“通過設(shè)計(jì)重建都市”(Rebuild by Design)的廣泛計(jì)劃,旨在專門針對(duì)受桑迪災(zāi)害影響最嚴(yán)重的地區(qū),征詢快速恢復(fù)型建筑設(shè)計(jì)和基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的新穎設(shè)想。由美國(guó)建筑師協(xié)會(huì)(American Institute of Architects)發(fā)起的“設(shè)計(jì)恢復(fù)力”(Designing Recovery)活動(dòng)要求工程師為三個(gè)具體地區(qū)提出更具恢復(fù)力的住宅解決方案的構(gòu)想,這三個(gè)具體地區(qū)是:密蘇里州喬普林、路易斯安那州新奧爾良以及和紐約市皇后區(qū)。而3C綜合沿海社區(qū)比賽(Comprehensive Coastal Communities)提出了一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單但棘手的設(shè)計(jì)問題:如何在重建某地區(qū)時(shí)讓其地平面相比以前抬高幾英尺,但又不能使它變得難看?




????The same is true elsewhere in the world, and the growing consensus -- largely spawned by a spate of intense natural disasters over the past decade -- that governments need to get more involved in mitigating threats related to climate change is giving rise to a new kind of extreme civil engineering and architecture that is well-positioned for a global boom as cities and states attempt to bolster their own resiliency in the face of rising sea levels and increased severe weather activity. Projections indicate that resiliency construction could very well be its own industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the decade.

????As if on cue, a number of design competitions have sprung up in the past few months asking for "extreme weather architecture" solutions that could become the new standard for communities building in disaster-prone regions. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development launched a broad initiative on June 20 titled Rebuild by Design seeking novel ideas for resilient building designs and infrastructure specifically tailored for the areas most devastated by Sandy. Designing Recovery, launched by the American Institute of Architects, asks engineers to concept more resilient residential solutions for three specific areas: Joplin, Mo., New Orleans, La., and Queens, N.Y. And 3C for (Comprehensive Coastal Communities) asks a simple yet tricky design question: How do you rebuild a neighborhood several feet higher than it was before without making it ugly?

????Integrating these kinds of new solutions with tested civil engineering flood mitigation practices will be New York City's challenge as it strives to prove that with enough investment and thoughtful planning, cities really can engineer their way around rising sea levels and other climate change-related threats. And, being the first major civic infrastructure overhaul of this magnitude aimed specifically at enhancing the resiliency of a major urban area with respect to climate change, other cities around the globe will be watching to see how New York manages the politics and implementation of such a vast and complex new system -- and whether the investment pays off.

????"There's going to be some tough choices to make," Cavallaro says. "At some point you're going to protect certain areas probably to the chagrin of other areas. But we're finally going to put some money ahead of the damage. I believe that a little bit of money up front will save a lot money when storms hit."

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