


Doron Levin 2013-07-08


????不過(guò)可別弄錯(cuò)了,這輛貌似火箭飛船的XL1不只是一款新車型,它還是大眾汽車總部從德國(guó)沃爾夫斯堡發(fā)出的最強(qiáng)音宣言,是費(fèi)迪南德?皮耶十幾年前發(fā)起的一項(xiàng)“寵物計(jì)劃”(pet project)的副產(chǎn)品。身為大眾的總裁,皮耶要證明自己的公司能造出一輛既符合傳統(tǒng)安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn),又能用一升油就可跑上100公里的汽車。





????Don't look for TV advertisements of Volkswagen's XL1 "supercar." The technology-rich model isn't meant for consumers, not even rich Hollywood types who might, in any case, squawk about the noisy ceramic brakes or the unimpressive pickup. The gullwing doors and the claim of 261 miles per gallon of fuel consumed by XL1's plug-in diesel hybrid engine, impressive as they are, wouldn't be sufficient to make believers of Jay Leno or Larry David.

????But make no mistake, the rocket ship-like XL1 is a brawny statement by Wolfsburg, Germany-based VW. It's the outgrowth of a pet project started more than a decade ago by Ferdnand Piech, the automaker's chairman, to prove his company could build a vehicle meeting conventional safety standards that can achieve 100 kilometers on a liter of fuel.

????The car's triumphal presentation to the world automotive press—and eventually to 250 handpicked German consumers illustrates the 76-year-old Piech's enduring influence over VW's management. Many of the technologies, such as the liberal use of carbon fiber, might make be used for other VWs, helping to make them lighter and more efficient.Piech serves as chairman of VW's supervisory board; Martin Winterkorn, his protégé, is CEO.

????Looking at the XL1, one can't help but think of VW's open and transparent push to be No. 1 automaker globally by 2018, in terms of sales. It may not get there, but not because of too little determination from its 35,000 engineers worldwide or too little audacity from its executive suite.

????"We might use such an engine on other models," says Ulrich Hackenberg, VW's head of research and development about the 0.8-liter two cylinder power plant. Small, light, efficient city cars like VW's Up! will reinforce the German automaker's sales total. It most likely will tussle for leadership against Toyota (TM), an automaker that's learned the hard way that No. 1 status can be a poisoned chalice.

????Weighing about 1,750 pounds, the XL1 features nifty high-tech touches, such as closed circuit television whose screens replace the conventional right and left rear-view mirrors. It took a few moments to get used to looking at the screens instead of the mirrors—Hackenberg said the costly technology will get progressively cheaper, allowing VW to use it on other models.

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