


Gregory Galant 2013-07-12


????社交共享是一個(gè)大混雜。一個(gè)與上述批評(píng)意見(jiàn)相關(guān)的問(wèn)題是,什么數(shù)據(jù)可以納入社交共享指標(biāo),可能會(huì)因?yàn)樯缃痪W(wǎng)絡(luò)自身的不同想法而瞬息變化。計(jì)算社交共享時(shí)往往出現(xiàn)一些我們可能并不認(rèn)同的主觀判斷,比如把一條鏈接微博的轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)也算作一次社交共享。當(dāng)然,確定瀏覽量或者谷歌分析(Google Analytics)和Omniture提供的獨(dú)立訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量服務(wù)時(shí),同樣也存在大量的主觀判斷。所以說(shuō),這種意見(jiàn)并不是什么新鮮事。但由于每家社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)皆是其社交共享數(shù)據(jù)的獨(dú)家提供商,這種憂(yōu)慮的確出現(xiàn)了增大的趨勢(shì)。







????Social shares are centrally controlled by corporations. While pageviews are a measure of the open web that can be tracked through a variety of means, social shares are centrally measured and reported by the social networks themselves. There may be an incentive for the networks to count these numbers liberally to appear more popular, though publishers can check if it's actually resulting in traffic. This is certainly a concern, and a subset of a larger worry many have about the web being more centralized in general.

????The definition of a social share is influx. Related to the prior criticism, what goes into the social share metric can change at the whim of a social network. There are judgment calls that go into calculating what a social share is, such as counting retweets of a tweet with a link as a share itself, we might not agree with. Of course, there are plenty of judgement calls that go into defining a pageview or unique visitor by services like Google Analytics (GOOG) or Omniture (ADBE), so this is nothing new. But the concern is heightened since each social network is the exclusive provider of its own share counts.

????Autosharing increases social share counts. There are some Twitter accounts set up to tweet anything in a given RSS feed, so some articles will get a handful of tweets no matter what. When this happens it definitely skews the numbers, but since tweets are public (tweets from private Twitter accounts are not counted) it can be detected when this occurs.

????Now that we've got the objections on the table, let's look at the virtues of social shares:

????Social shares are an intentional action by users. It's easy to get pulled into viewing an article you don't really want to read by a misleading headline, preview photo or search result, which results in a pageview and often revenue for the publisher. But as Buzzfeed's VP Product Chris Johanesen wrote "you can't trick someone into sharing a story with their friends." Sharing an article on social media is a very intentional act by a user, requiring several more clicks than a pageview.

????Social shares require users to put their identities on the line. Unlike pageviews and comments, when people care to share an article they're willing to tell the world on Twitter or at least their friends on Facebook (FB) that they care about the article.

????Social share counts don't rely on sampling. One of the few objective measures of attention on the web today is sampled data from the likes of Nielsen (NLSN) and comScore (SCOR). When done well, sampling can be a powerful indicator, but as many people who've miscalled elections know it's not perfect. Often minorities and new platforms are underrepresented. Sampled data can only be reported at a publication level rather than for a given article due to lack of data. Social share numbers report a full count for every article on the web.

????Social share counts are public and therefore not easy to fib about. Unlike just about every other web metric, anyone can look up social share counts. Many publishers and entrepreneurs are known to manipulate the metrics they release to the public. They've been able to get away it with since only they have access to the analytics system. Social shares are out of the control of the publishers and a uniform metric.

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