????你說的顯然不只是咖啡。從你們的一些合作關(guān)系,比如最近與Snapple達成的交易,可以看出這一點。這是你們拓展居家飲料市場的計劃之一? ????現(xiàn)在,我們有咖啡、茶和熱可可,也有冰咖啡和冰茶。大家可以加冰煮,我們還有一些果汁飲料。將來我們的目標是讓每個家庭和每個工作場所都有一個這樣的機器,為不同的場合提供不同的飲料。我們知道,在我們使用Keurig商標和平臺的過程中有很多機會,我們能提供比現(xiàn)在多得多的飲料。 ????與你們合作的品牌不會自己打造一個機器嗎?星巴克已經(jīng)有了自己的Verismo機器。你對此擔心嗎? ????重點是提供更好的價值和更大的安裝基數(shù)。有些品牌一開始會認為不如打造自己的機器,當然任何人都可以這么干,但這件事沒那么簡單。你必須有一個品牌,有家電技術(shù),能讓產(chǎn)品在零售渠道中售出,同時還能在消費者家中進行安裝。 ????有些消費者擔心每次用一個杯子,用后扔掉,有些浪費。你們在這方面有什么進展? ????我們從很多方面都在關(guān)注可持續(xù)性。我們關(guān)注我們的系統(tǒng)使用的水、能源以及廢棄物回收?;厥辗矫?,我們致力于推動可回收的K杯(用于Keurig)。我們今天還沒有,但我們知道。我們的新杯子是可回收的,未來的杯子將是可回收的,但我們正在努力推出可回收的K杯。 ????飲料行業(yè)中有哪些大趨勢是您正在密切關(guān)注的? ????有三大趨勢。第一是口味和健康。第二是融合,茶和果汁,咖啡和奶制品,以及嘗試為不同的飲料添加二氧化碳。這是一個融合的世界,一個混搭的世界。能源本身是一個大領(lǐng)域,消費者期待能獲得對他們有益的能源。還有其他幾個趨勢,比如天然、新鮮和本地特色。 ????您是如何從這些趨勢借力? ????大家會看到我們把越來越多的本地品牌加入系統(tǒng),比如(加拿大咖啡連鎖店)Timothy's??吹轿覀冞\作更多高端的手工和藝術(shù)品牌。而且,我們的飲料機還能提供非常新鮮的成品。理論上,30秒鐘就可以煮好喝了。這是人們能夠得到的最新鮮的飲品。 ????你們在早餐市場的份額很大。你們打算如何拓展早餐以外的市場? ????今天我們的業(yè)務有90%是咖啡。想想飲料業(yè)務是如何運作的。大多數(shù)飲料是在進餐時飲用 -- 早餐,午餐和晚餐。然后是早上/下午的外帶飲料,傍晚的飲料以及臨睡前飲品。我們起步于咖啡業(yè)務,因此我們自然偏重于早餐市場。隨著我們業(yè)務的發(fā)展,大家會看到我們向全飲料業(yè)務擴張。(財富中文網(wǎng)) |
??? You're clearly not just talking about coffee, and we've seen that in some of your partnerships such as the recent deal with Snapple. Is that how you plan to take share of beverages consumed at home? ????Today we have coffee, tea, and hot cocoa, and coffee and tea that are cold. You can brew them over ice, and we have some fruit drinks. Over time we have a simple mission, which is to get a brewer in every home and in every place of work, and then have a beverage for every occasion. We know that there's opportunity for us to use the Keurig brand name and platform to be able to offer more beverages than what we offer today. ????Couldn't the brands you partner with start their own systems? Starbucks now has its Verismo machine. Does that worry you? ????It's all about delivering better value and having a bigger installed base. There were early on some brands that thought they could go on their own and anybody certainly can, but it's not a simple proposition. You have to have a brand name, appliance expertise, have to get them sold in retailers, and get them installed in consumer homes. ????Some consumers are concerned that using and throwing away a pod after every use is wasteful. What progress are you making there? ????There's a number of ways we look at sustainability. We look at the water usage we have in our system, energy used, and the recycling waste. On the recycling piece, we are committed to having a recyclable K-Cup [used in the original Keurig]. We don't have it today and we know that. Our new cup is recyclable, and future cups will be recyclable, but we are working to have recyclable K-cups. ????What are the big trends in beverages that you're watching closely? ????There are three big trends. The first is great taste and healthy. The second is fusions, meaning teas and juices, coffees and dairy, carbonating things that weren't carbonated before. It's a fusion world, a blending world. Energy itself is a big category, and consumers expect to get energy that's good for them. There are a couple of others like natural, fresh, and local. ????How are you playing off of those trends? ????You'll see us adding more and more local brands into the system like Timothy's [which is a Canadian coffee chain]. You'll see us doing more high-end craft and artisanal brands. Also our beverage system taps into fresh in a really powerful way. You are literally brewing it and drinking it in 30 seconds. It's the freshest beverage you can get. ????You're big at breakfast. How are you going to push beyond the morning? ????Ninety percent of our business today is coffee. Think about how the beverage business works. Most beverages are consumed with meals -- breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then mid-morning, a pick-me-up beverage in the afternoon, a late afternoon beverage, a before bedtime beverage. We started in the coffee business, which tends to lend itself to the morning. You'll see us expand into more of a total beverage business as we grow. |