


《財(cái)富》 2013-07-18




????我欣賞商務(wù)社交網(wǎng)站LinkedIn所取得的成就。剛開始它是一個(gè)有用的工具,供專業(yè)人士自我介紹,相互聯(lián)系,但那時(shí)的問題是用戶參與度較低。不過,隨著時(shí)間流逝,像“LinkedIn Today”這樣的新工具以及influencer這樣的博客系統(tǒng)讓它變成了一個(gè)非常有趣、引人駐足的地方。LinkedIn結(jié)合了很有用的專業(yè)工具和多元化且強(qiáng)有力的商業(yè)模式,這確實(shí)讓它與眾不同。








What would you say to a group of young people looking to enter the tough job market?

????First, believe in yourself. The first time you do anything, you've never done it before, so the best thing to do is give it your all and learn as much as you can from others. Remember that we were all there at some point – everyone who interviews you and everyone you'll be working with as well – so don't get intimidated. Second, look for work you believe is worthwhile. There's nothing better than working in a place where the time you invest in your job and the impact you make on the world are aligned.

What other companies do you admire? Why?

????I admire what LinkedIn has created. It started as a useful tool for professionals to build their profiles and connect to each other, but it had a problem with low user engagement. But over time, new tools like "LinkedIn Today" and the influencer blog network have made the site a very engaging place to spend time. This combination of a highly useful professional tool with a diverse and strong business model really sets LinkedIn apart.

What is one characteristic that every leader should possess?


????I believe the best leaders are excellent at listening to those around them and synthesizing their insights into great ideas. The best leaders can put themselves in others' shoes, understanding the pain points of their customers and building products that creatively solve those problems. Strong leaders also exhibit empathy for their teams, recognizing people are motivated by different things and helping them find roles and projects that leverage their strengths and bring out their best work.

Is business school necessary for entrepreneurs?

????I'm a big fan of business school, both for what you learn and for the people you have the chance to meet. I still use plenty of the things I learned in business school, from negotiation tactics to financial modeling. That said, I believe it's possible to master the skills of great entrepreneurs – primarily customer focus, creativity, and relentless persistence – through other channels as well. In fact, I think business schools need to adapt to do a better job preparing students to become entrepreneurs. The only way to really learn what it takes is to try it, and both undergraduate and graduate schools should be helping students get more real-life entrepreneurship experience beyond classroom learning. I'm excited about some of the programs coming out in this arena.

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