Alex Taylor III
國際市場:贏家 印度尼西亞 ????雖然中國經濟正在降溫,但印尼今年的GDP增長率卻有望達到6.8%。印尼擁有2.4億人口,去年印尼人民共購買了100萬輛汽車,有人預計印尼的汽車銷量未來三年內將翻一番。麥肯錫全球學院(McKinsey Global Institute)表示,到2030年,印尼將超過英國成為全球第七大經濟體,屆時還將有額外的90萬印尼人加入汽車的消費大軍。 |
International markets: Winner Indonesia ????Even while China is cooling off, Indonesia expects GDP to grow 6.8% this year. Its 240 million inhabitants bought one million cars last year, and some expect sales to double over the next three years. The McKinsey Global Institute says an additional 90 million people will join Indonesia's consumer class by 2030 when the country could overtake Britain to become the world's seventh-largest economy. |