


Kurt Wagner 2013-07-23






????Fortune: Happiness has many side effects like higher productivity and better long-term health. What is a side effect of happiness that you found surprising?

????Kogan: Kids learn better when they're more positive. There was a study that they ran, I believe this was in London, and they took second graders and one second grade class just carried on as they usually do, but the other class started every single day by sitting in a circle and sharing one or two things that they were happy about from the [day before]. The class that did this improved their grades, aggression and bullying were lower, teacher satisfaction went up, and their test results went up. This idea that if people are more positive, we can learn better, that kids can do better in school, that employees can do better—to me that's very powerful.

????Fortune: Do you spent the most of your life in the United States chasing the "American Dream." Does it still exist in the same form today and does it need to be changed?

????Kogan: It's interesting, someone came up to me after my TEDx Talk and said to me, "this is really incredible and inspirational, but aren't you still in a way chasing the 'big happy?'" And I guess that's the whole point. It doesn't mean that we stop creating. It doesn't mean that you don't have goals or don't create new things or learn new things. But it does mean that you don't hang your happiness?on that. I don't need to wait to be happy until I build a billion dollar company. The point is that every day, even if they're really hard, have some happy moments in them.

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