


Patricia Sellers 2013-07-31



????WPP負責(zé)人將陽獅-宏盟的合并稱之為“極其大膽、勇敢而又驚人的舉動”,而且目前,他作為旁觀者對此艷羨不已。少數(shù)對陽獅-宏盟合并不滿的客戶可能會投向索瑞爾的懷抱。與此同時,一些行業(yè)觀察人士認(rèn)為,總部位于英國的WPP可能會通過收購麥肯集團(McCann-Erickson)的母公司埃培智集團(Interpublic Group)來進一步壯大自己的實力。WPP旗下?lián)碛兄峭d(JWT)和奧美集團(Ogilvy Group),以及公關(guān)巨頭博雅公關(guān)(Burson-Marsteller)和偉達公關(guān)(HillKnowlton)。索瑞爾并沒有過多地去表露自己的羨慕之情。他在談到合并對WPP的影響時承認(rèn):“到目前為止,我們?nèi)匀幌M鲎畲蟮膹V告商。最壞的情況:合并對我們來說是喜憂參半。最好的情況:它會帶來非常積極的影響。光是監(jiān)管批準(zhǔn)和磨合過程就夠他們忙的了。”



????Levy and Wren intend to be co-CEOs of the new company for 30 months, in part "to make clients comfortable" with the new set-up, Levy explains. Even so, the set-up is inherently risky. "Co-CEOs is not an easy structure," notes WPP chief Martin Sorrell, who runs the world's largest ad holding company, at least until Publicis Omnicom passes regulatory muster. (Approvals are needed in 41 countries, Wren says.) Indeed, corporate history is packed with failed co-CEOs; outsized egos typically destroy relationships and damage companies, particularly big global ones. Remember Sandy Weill and John Reed at Citigroup (C)?

????The plan is for Levy to continue operating from Paris, while Wren remains in New York. Levy says they possess "exactly the same attitudes" toward serving clients, but skeptics are concerned about the balance of power. The 71-year-old Levy, who intends to hand the CEO reins to Wren, 61, after 30 months, has performed much better for investors than Wren. Benefiting from digital acquisitions and investments in emerging markets, Publicis stock has more than tripled during the past five years. Omnicom is up about 70% in the same period. While Omnicom delivered 30% annual returns in the 1990s, its slowdown suggests that Wren's strategy "wasn't working," says Sorrell.

????The WPP chief calls the Publicis-Omnicom merger "an extremely bold, brave, and surprising move," and he is now salivating on the sidelines. Sorrell will likely pick up a few clients dissatisfied by the Publicis-Omnicom merger. Meanwhile, some industry watchers contend that British-based WPP, which owns JWT and Ogilvy Group, as well as PR giants Burson-Marsteller and Hill & Knowlton, could bulk up further by acquiring Interpublic Group (IPG), the owner of McCann-Erickson. Sorrell downplays his attraction. "We'd rather be the biggest by far," he admits, adding about the impact of Publicis Omnicom on WPP, "At worst, it's neutral. At best, it's highly positive. They're going to have their hands full getting regulatory approvals and trying to extract synergies."

????IPG's stock rose 5% on speculation. Sorrell, a finance man to the core, is not the type to buy a company when the expectation of a deal is priced into the stock. But wait and see. If WPP would buy IPG, the combination based on 2012 revenue would be $23 billion. That's the same size as Publicis Omnicom.

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