


Stephen Gandel 2013-08-09


????誰將成為美國(guó)聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備委員會(huì)(Federal Reserve)下一屆主席:拉里?薩默斯,還是詹尼特?耶倫?我已經(jīng)有了答案。真的,不騙你。


????2004年11月,美聯(lián)社(Associated Press)稱,有三位經(jīng)濟(jì)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家可能接替時(shí)任美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)主席艾倫?格林斯潘,其中并沒有本?伯南克。那篇文章稱伯南克是一匹“黑馬”。同年12月份,《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》(New York Times)稱,哥倫比亞大學(xué)(Columbia University)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家、前總統(tǒng)喬治?W?布什的顧問格蘭?哈勃德是顯然的領(lǐng)跑者。

????2005年1月,保羅?克魯格曼在《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》撰文稱,伯南克也有可能,但這只是因?yàn)楣穑℉arvard)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家馬丁?菲爾德斯坦由于曾經(jīng)批評(píng)羅納德?里根而被共和黨人冷落。據(jù)《商業(yè)周刊》(Businessweek)報(bào)道,到了5月份菲爾德斯坦已重回首位。10月份就在伯南克最終被選中出任新一屆美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)主席前不久,《財(cái)富》雜志(Fortune)記者賈斯汀?福克斯撰文稱,誰來接替格林斯潘真的不重要。所謂的經(jīng)濟(jì)周期波動(dòng)“大緩和”(great moderation,當(dāng)時(shí)有一種觀點(diǎn)認(rèn)為,深度經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退已經(jīng)成為歷史)和經(jīng)濟(jì)理論進(jìn)步已經(jīng)使得美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)的政策調(diào)控很大程度上變成自動(dòng)駕駛模式。??怂箤懙溃骸爱?dāng)美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)主席已經(jīng)沒過去那么難了?!闭娴氖沁@樣嗎?






????Who will be the next head of the Federal Reserve: Larry Summers or Janet Yellen? I have the answer. Really.

????How do I know? Because, as you may know, predicting who will be the next Fed chair is easy.

????In November 2004, the Associated Press said there were three economists who were likely to replace then-Fed head Alan Greenspan, none of which were Ben Bernanke. The article called Bernanke a "dark horse." In December, the New York Times said Glenn Hubbard, a Columbia University economist and former George W. Bush adviser, was the obvious frontrunner.

????By January, Paul Krugman in the New York Times had Bernanke as a possibility, but only because Harvard economist Martin Feldstein was being pilloried by Republicans for once criticizing Ronald Reagan. But Feldstein was back in front by May, according to Businessweek.Fortune's own Justin Fox wrote in October, shortly before Bernanke was finally picked, that it didn't really matter who replaced Greenspan. The so-called great moderation -- there was an idea that deep recessions were a thing of the past -- and advances in economic theory had pretty much put Fed policy on autopilot. Wrote Fox: "Being Fed chairman isn't that hard anymore." How's that for being above the fray?

????I'm not going to make the same mistake, which is why I have put so much effort into predetermining without a doubt who will get the top job at the Fed.

????According to a cursory scan of the work of other journalists, it appears Yellen did a good jobwarning about the housing bubble. Summers did a good job of responding to it when it burst, although some people say his push to deregulate financial markets when he was Treasury Secretary in the 1990s caused the problems in the first place. So edge to Yellen, I guess.

????Yellen is one of the authors of quantitative easing -- the Fed's signature bond buying stimulus program -- which has lowered interest rates and boosted the stock market. The housing market and business lending are also up. It has not caused hyper-inflation as some feared it might. Summers, on the other hand, has repeatedly bashed QE, alternating between saying it does nothing, to expounding on the disasters it could cause. Still, Summers' supporters say he would be all for continuing QE if he were to be named Fed chairman. So point to Summers for flexibility.

????Yellen is a consensus builder. Summers is willing to ruffle feathers and go against the grain. Point. Point.

????But, of course, none of that matters. What really matters is who has your back. So the thing you really need to know to be able to determine, as I have, who will be the next Fed head is the tally of economists, former administration officials, politicians, and just regular blabbermouths who have so far come out in favor of Summers or Yellen.

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