


Byan Bradley 2013-08-13
亞馬遜剛剛宣布推出藝術品交易平臺Amazon Art,并已和美國150家藝術品交易公司和畫廊建立了合作關系,目前可提供4,500名藝術家約4萬件藝術品的交易。但傳奇拍賣行佳士得首席執(zhí)行官認為,佳士得和亞馬遜的目標客戶不同,核心競爭力也不同,沒必要過分擔心。







And the online retail game?

????Look, it's early days at Amazon in this space, so I don't really know enough about it, but I imagine we're serving slightly different audiences in different ways. When our online business comes to complete fruition -- this is the first year, and we've gone from seven tests to 60 online auctions -- we're approaching the relationship between our network of buildings and exhibition space more in the same way that apparel companies might have a store to drive their online business. So there will be things being toured, seen -- so it's very different than Amazon.

I imagine that the key differentiator is how you treat your customers, and retaining them, which is something that, well, with Amazon, you could be anybody, or nobody.

????Yes. Yes. Look, philosophically I think it's really important when new things happen to embrace them and do it better rather than say: Go away, this will never happen. I remember vividly Jack Valenti going to Congress to try and stop home recording when it was already happening. It's like that old story about the railroads thinking they're in the railroad business when they were in the people-moving business, otherwise they wouldn't have missed the airplane. We're in the client business, and the mandate has been to focus on how they interact.

????We just did a very tasty, beautiful little sale of some wonderful Chinese porcelain from the 18th century ... The price point is $20,000 or $8,000 or $45,000 -- it's an aficionado's category. We had 55 pieces in the online sale, sold 50, and only marketed online. Twenty-five of the 50 buyers were brand new, from Canada, China, the U.S., and Europe. Now they've just received contact, sometimes phone calls, we're not selling them, just inviting them back in: What information can we provide them about their purchase? What more do they want to know? Someone who just spent $20,000 two days ago might like to know the story behind what he bought, and we can give that to them. I don't know if Amazon can.

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