


Alex Taylor III 2013-08-23


????When autos are described as a "cyclical business," it means more than the normal waves of rising and falling sales that follow the rhythms of the economy. The industry tends to repeat itself. Some of this comes from the predictable pattern of every-four-year redesigns. Another part comes from proven solutions to recurring problems, such as cutting prices during slow sales. But a surprisingly sizeable slice comes from doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result -- the classic definition of insanity.


加價(jià)銷售那些供不應(yīng)求、炙手可熱的車型以牟取暴利的做法在汽車銷售業(yè)由來(lái)已久,可能廠商指導(dǎo)價(jià)剛剛新鮮出爐,經(jīng)銷商就開(kāi)始抬價(jià)了。畢竟汽車業(yè)有些地方和時(shí)尚業(yè)、而不是交通運(yùn)輸業(yè)更有淵源——比如那些肌肉車、跑車和敞篷車——所以一旦看到有車熱銷,經(jīng)銷商哪里能忍得住不下快刀狠宰一把?!镀囆侣劇罚ˋutomotive News)報(bào)道稱,一幫雪佛蘭經(jīng)銷商正在密謀,售價(jià)高達(dá)52,000美元的雪佛蘭科爾維特今年秋季上市后,他們要加價(jià)20,000美元。這個(gè)消息會(huì)再度引發(fā)一場(chǎng)熱烈的爭(zhēng)論,即經(jīng)銷商是否在用市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)規(guī)律定量配給稀缺產(chǎn)品,還是亂漲價(jià)疏遠(yuǎn)長(zhǎng)期客戶。

1. Marking up hot cars

Tacking an additional dealer markup onto models in short supply and hot demand is a long-established retail practice that probably started seconds after the window price sticker with the suggested MSRP was adopted. Parts of the auto business are more about fashion than transportation -- think muscle cars, sports cars, and convertibles -- and dealers can't resist trying to make a quick killing while they are in demand. Automotive News reports that a handful of Chevy dealers are planning on add on up to $20,000 to the sticker price of the 2014 Corvette when the $52,000 car goes on sale in the fall. The news will ignite another fierce debate about whether the dealers are merely using market economics to ration a scarce product -- or alienating long-term customers by gouging.

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