


JP Mangalindan、Dan Primack 2013-08-30

????頗具影響力的科技網(wǎng)站All Things Digital的未來即將被確定。

????路透社(Reuters)在今年2月報道稱,AllThingsD聯(lián)席執(zhí)行主編卡拉?斯威舍與沃爾特?莫斯伯格已開始同網(wǎng)站的母公司——隸屬于新聞集團(News Corp.)的道瓊斯(Dow Jones)洽談,討論是否延長雙方將于今年12月31日到期的合作關系。

????《財富》(Fortune )隨后了解到,AllThingsD正同投資銀行Code Advisors合作,尋找對該網(wǎng)站估值超過2,500萬美元的外部投資者。據(jù)報道,美國在線(AOL)2010年收購AllThingsD的競爭對手TechCrunch網(wǎng)站時,對后者的估值就是2,500萬美元。有消息人士稱,AllThingsD正尋求以1,000萬至1,500萬美元的價格,出售公司25%到30%的股份。


????迄今,已經(jīng)有三家媒體公司示好,據(jù)說其中還包括康卡斯特(Comcast)旗下的美國國家廣播環(huán)球公司(NBC Universal)。此外,還有一位公司正在考慮中。據(jù)稱,最終的交易可能包括多個投資方。

????Other companies said to have been approached include Bloomberg, Condé Nast, and The Washington Post Company (WPO).

????據(jù)稱AllThingsD還同彭博社(Bloomberg)、康泰納仕(Condé Nast)、以及華盛頓郵報公司(The Washington Post Company)等進行了接洽。






????Reuters reported in February that AllThingsD co-executive editors Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg had begun discussions with owner Dow Jones, a subsidiary of News Corp. (NWS), about either ending or extending their partnership, which is set to expire on December 31.

????Since then, Fortune has learned that AllThingsD is working with investment bank Code Advisors to find outside investors at an enterprise value that could exceed the $25 million that AOL (AOL) reportedly paid in 2010 for rival site TechCrunch. One source says that the asking price is between $10 million and $15 million for a 25% or 30% stake in the company.

????Swisher and Mossberg appear to be steering clear of traditional venture capitalists and tech billionaires, likely in order to minimize potential conflicts of interest. Instead, their focus has been on finding a partner from the media sector.

????So far they have received proposals from three media companies, one of which is said to be NBCUniversal, a subsidiary of Comcast (CMSCA). A fourth is circling, and it is possible that the final transaction could include multiple parties.

????Other companies said to have been approached include Bloomberg, Condé Nast, and The Washington Post Company (WPO).

????"It's not complex," Swisher told Fortune in a statement. "Walt and I are interested in taking the online journalism and conference efforts we have been successful at building over the last 12 years and expanding them. There are lots of ways to do that, and we are thinking about the best way to evolve what we believe is an even bigger opportunity in the years ahead."

????It remains unclear if Swisher and Mossberg are seeking outside money because talks have completely broken down with Dow Jones, or because they are seeking leverage in the 11th hour of negotiations. One constant point of contention has been hiring flexibility, with prospective investors told that proceeds would be used to substantially increase headcount (including the addition of several new reporters and video producers).

????Dow Jones officially owns the AllThingsD brand, website and content. It also manages the site's ad sales, but only Mossberg is an actual Dow Jones employee. Swisher and the rest of her AllThingsD editorial colleagues are contractors paid via an independent limited liability company. One scenario could involve the AllThingsD team leaving to start an independent venture with a new name, while Dow Jones retains the AllthingsD brand (and possibly the archived editorial content).

????"Within News Corp., AllThingsD is very small in terms of money but very large in terms of profile," says a source familiar with the situation. "Rupert will probably make the final call on what happens."

????The loss of Mossberg and Swisher would be a serious blow to Dow Jones.

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