


JP Mangalindan 2013-09-06



????Gear能做的智能手機都能做到。所以,Gear并沒有什么獨門功夫。相反,三星在發(fā)布會上展示的功能我的iPhone 5全能做到,除了這款手表戴在手上比較好看之外。至于發(fā)布首日可用的70款應(yīng)用程序,它們中的絕大部分Android和iOS設(shè)備都能下載到。的確,某些場合中手表比較方便——例如我在慢跑時就不用掏出手機了,但光憑這一點還不夠,不值得我掏錢。

????Galaxy Note III可不是人人都有。除非每個購買Gear的用戶都有一臺Galaxy Note III,不然多半是委屈了它。三星的智能手表必須通過藍牙與三星最新款的平板手機配對,才能運行許多基本功能。(雖然三星表示未來Gear也可能支持Galaxy手機,但具體時間還沒有確定。)換句話說,在短期內(nèi)Gear只能和三星的小部分設(shè)備配對,勢必大幅降低它的吸引力,也極大地影響了潛在用戶。最后一來,我必須花300美元購買Gear,然后還要搭買一臺Note III。我可沒這么多錢。



????Based on some of the early buzz, you'd figure the $299 Samsung Gear smart watch is a downright revolutionary device. On paper, it has several nifty things going for it: a 1.63-inch color display, Google (GOOG) Android, and 70 apps at launch from eBay (EBAY), Evernote, and RunKeeper, among them. It lets users make phone calls, check email, even point and shoot photos and video by holding up your hand. And voice recognition means it's possible to navigate the device touch-free. With all those features going for it, it's easy to let the imagination run wild with far-out hypothetical scenarios where this thing is all but doing the home cooking.

????Still, I'm not sold. Here are three easy reasons why:

????It doesn't do anything my phone doesn't already do (yet). All right, so the Gear isn't even out. But based on Samsung's announcement, it doesn't do anything my iPhone 5 doesn't already do besides look better strapped to someone's wrist. Most of the 70 apps available on day one are already available for Android and iOS devices. Sure, it might make certain tasks easier -- I like the idea of running without having to pull out my phone -- but there just aren't enough unique use cases for me to even consider splurging on this.

????I don't have a Galaxy Note III. Unless users also have the Galaxy Note III, they aren't going to get the most out of the Gear. Samsung's smart watch must be paired via Bluetooth with the upcoming phone-tablet hybrid, a.k.a. "phablet," to perform many basic tasks. (That may change: Samsung has said the Gear will likely work with other Galaxy phones in the future, though it didn't specify when.) In other words, the watch will only work with a small subset of devices for the foreseeable future. That severely limits its appeal and potential audience. Because in the end, I'd have to spend $300 for the Gear and purchase a Note III. That's too rich for my blood.

????I don't love the so-so battery life. According to Samsung, the Gear should go a day in between charges depending on how it's used. That's just average as smart phone battery life goes and disappointing when it comes to so-called smart watches. To compare, the Pebble smart watch lasts up to a week before needing more juice. Sure, the Pebble uses a simpler black and white screen and lacks the bells and whistles of the Gear, but I still expect more out of the latter. I'm OK plugging in my phone before I go to bed each night. But my watch? Not so much.

????What about you, Fortune readers? Has the Samsung Gear piqued your interest? Will you be among the first to buy one? Sound off in the comments below.

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