


Nina Easton 2013-09-10

????2007年11月,在貝爾斯登(Bear Stearns)倒閉前四個(gè)月,他呼吁決策層“警醒一場危機(jī)可能正在深化”。他還說:“3個(gè)月前,還有理由預(yù)計(jì)次貸危機(jī)只是一場金融系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的大事件,不是可能威脅到整體經(jīng)濟(jì)增長模式的大事件......如果不采取比現(xiàn)在更有力的政策應(yīng)對...就存在這樣一種風(fēng)險(xiǎn),次貸危機(jī)的負(fù)面影響將一直延續(xù)到2010年及以后。”

????-- 對于外界擔(dān)心薩默斯可能過于“親企業(yè)”,奧巴馬可能會談到,他和薩默斯兩人都擔(dān)憂收入差距擴(kuò)大以及普通美國人的社會階層流動性下降。今年早些時(shí)候,同樣是在哈佛的那個(gè)論壇上,薩默斯還對聽眾表示,“不平等加劇,社會流動性下降”,還說,富有家庭子女和貧困家庭子女進(jìn)好大學(xué)的能力都不如30年前,這一點(diǎn)“令人震驚”。

????-- 女權(quán)人士不僅支持任命耶倫為美聯(lián)儲首位女當(dāng)家這樣的歷史性事件,還將薩默斯視為男性至上主義者,依據(jù)是他在任哈佛校長時(shí)對科技界女性發(fā)表的爭議性評論,以及他與奧巴馬經(jīng)濟(jì)顧問克里斯蒂娜?羅默之間的沖突(根據(jù)《華盛頓郵報(bào)》的報(bào)道,羅默質(zhì)疑薩默斯的管理技能)。為回應(yīng)這種看法,白宮可能會依賴Facebook (FB)首席運(yùn)營官謝麗爾?桑德伯格,她視薩默斯為職業(yè)生涯的導(dǎo)師,薩默斯在世界銀行(World Bank)和美國財(cái)政部工作時(shí)一直把她帶在身邊。(另一位在職業(yè)生涯中得到過薩默斯支持的有影響力女性是:Facebook全球公共政策副總裁馬恩?列維)。后女權(quán)主義暢銷書《向前一步》(Lean In)的作者桑德伯格在這方面公開支持薩默斯。




????And in November of 2007, four months before the collapse of Bear Stearns, he called on policy makers to "wake up to the dangers of a deepening crisis." He added: "Three months ago it was reasonable to expect that the subprime credit crisis would be a financially significant event but not one that would threaten the overall pattern of economic growth ... Without stronger policy responses than have been observed to date ... there is the risk that the adverse impacts will be felt for the rest of this decade and beyond."

????-- To concerns that Summers is too pro-business, expect the President to talk about their shared concerns over a widening income gap and decreasing social mobility for average Americans. Our "level of inequality and social mobility has deteriorated," Summers told the same Harvard audience earlier this year, calling it "stunning" that the ability of both a rich child and a poor child to go to a good college is smaller than it was 30 years ago.

????-- Feminists not only support an historical appointment of Yellen as the first female Fed chief, but also view Summers as sexist, based on his controversial women-in-science remarks as Harvard President and his clashes with fellow Obama economic adviser Christina Romer (In thePost story, Romer questions Summers' management skills). To counter that perception, the White House will likely call upon Facebook (FB) Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, who counts Summers as a mentor in a career that put her at his side at the World Bank and the Treasury Department. (Another powerful woman Summers supported in her career: Facebook Global Public Policy vice president Marne Levine). Sandberg, author of the post-feminist best-sellerLean In, has already publicly defended Summers on this score.

????If the President Obama does tap Summers, the White House will have to mount a defense that gets him to 60 votes in the Senate -- and for that, he's still likely to need support from Republicans.

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