


Ethan Rouen 2013-09-10
????傳統(tǒng)廣告業(yè)面臨數(shù)字技術的巨大沖擊。圖片來源:AMC Networks









????另一方面,目前的行業(yè)整合,包括陽獅集團(Publicis Group)與宏盟集團(Omnicom)的大規(guī)模合并,意味著廣告業(yè)眼下這樣的好日子不會永遠持續(xù)下去。

????Much like what it peddles, descriptions of the advertising business are full of clichés. Fortunately for writers -- and unfortunately for the current generation of ad people -- those clichés are going the way of the, ahem, three martini lunch.

????Increased computing power and the influx in the amount of personal data available to businesses have thrown a wrench into the advertising business. From the way ad space is bought and sold to the definition of a successful campaign, advertising today looks quite different from a decade ago.

????Of course, this change makes sense when looking at the broad shifts in the economy. Some of the biggest companies in the world, like Google (GOOG) and Facebook (FB), have grown by delivering more effective ads to users. The businesses that support these tech companies do not resemble those that were selling TV dinners to the nuclear family.

????This change may be positive in the near term for those who dream of careers on Madison Avenue (or Silicon Valley), but in the not-too-distant future, ad people may find themselves on the couch staring at late-night infomercials offering the unemployed a chance to change their lives.

????"Today, the sheer number of companies in the space is staggering," says Clark Fredricksen, vice-president at eMarketer, a research firm. "The reason that this landscape has grown from nothing is that we are finally figuring out what to do with the data that we have about consumer behavior and how to use that data to create better, more targeted, bette accepted ads."

????The current process of pitching a product to consumers is complicated and filled with many steps, Fredricksen says. In the past, an ad agency looking to place a spot on television would work with a media buyer or directly with a network.

????Now, that process can involve as many as 10 layers, ranging from the creative team, to the ad buying team, to the data management team. With all the data available before, during, and after an advertisement lands in front of a consumer's eyes, the ability to tweak ads and deliver them at just the right moment makes this process necessary.

????The new aspects of advertising have created lots of opportunities for entrepreneurs, computer geeks, and advertising agencies eager to evolve. "There are more middle men between an advertiser and a consumer than ever before," Fredricksen says.

????On the other hand, recent consolidation in the industry, including the mega-merger of Publicis Group and Omnicom (OMC), signals that this bright era in advertising will not last forever.

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