


Jeroen Ansink 2013-10-09


????乍一看,拍賣公司蘇富比(Sotheby's)與對沖基金Third Point之間的較量讓人完全摸不著頭腦。投資家丹?勒布旗下的對沖基金Third Point持有蘇富比9.3%的股份。在最近的一封信中,勒布要求蘇富比立即驅(qū)逐CEO兼董事長威廉?魯普雷希特。魯普雷希特在蘇富比任職13年,在此期間,這家公司的收益增加了約75%。蘇富比股票今年的漲幅超過了50%。



????拉賓認為,除此之外,蘇富比還犯下了一個“關(guān)鍵性錯誤”,那就是沒有重視低端藝術(shù)品銷售。雖然這家足有269年歷史的拍賣行在高端藝術(shù)品市場取得了令人矚目的成績,比如愛德華?蒙克的作品《吶喊》(The Scream)在去年拍出了1.2億美元,但它在這個市場的利潤卻面臨著壓力。拉賓說:“售價100,000美元的拍品的買家傭金為25%以上;而100,000美元至200萬美元之間的拍品,買家傭金則降至20%;200萬美元以上的拍品,傭金僅有12%。”




????How does a company that outperforms the S&P index by a factor of three become a target for an activist shareholder?

????At first sight, the battle between auction house Sotheby's and Third Point, the hedge fund of financier Daniel Loeb, which has a 9.3% stake in Sotheby's (BID), seems puzzling. In a recent letter, Loeb demanded the immediate ouster of CEO and Chairman William Ruprecht, who in his 13-year reign has grown revenues at Sotheby's by almost 75%. Sotheby's shares are up more than 50% for the year.

????Despite these successes, results could even have been better, says Oliver Chen, luxury analyst at Citigroup. Compared to its privately held competitor Christie's, Sotheby's is lagging behind in Asia and in the contemporary art market. "Those are the places where buyers from emerging markets are gravitating towards, and where the biggest opportunities are."

????Sotheby's recent five-day, 3,571-lot auction in Hong Kong, which scored $23.3 million for an oil painting by Chinese artist Zeng Fanzhi on Saturday night, a record for Asian contemporary art, has done little to strengthen its market position, says Jeff Rabin of Artvest, a New York-based advisory firm. "Christie's is still absolutely dominant in Asia, both in the high end and the midlevel of the Chinese sector."

????On top of that, Sotheby's made a "critical error" by not focusing on lower end art sales, says Rabin. While the 269-year old auctioneer has achieved some spectacular results in high-end art, including fetching $120 million for Edvard Munch's "The Scream" last year, margins in this market are under pressure. "A buyer's premium starts at 25% for sales up to $100,000, but drop to 20% for lots between $100,000 and $2 million, to 12% for anything above that," says Rabin.

????To get prestigious works under the auction hammer, houses will often rebate a portion of the buyer's premium back to the seller, a practice known as an "enhanced hammer." Since Sotheby's and Christie's compete so aggressively at the high end of the market, margins are squeezed, says Rabin. "Whereas on the low end, there is no rebating, and auction houses are earning a full commission. That is the kind of business that keeps the lights on in difficult times. It is also a part of market that Sotheby's has virtually abandoned."

????According to Rabin, Sotheby's has focused mainly on high-end properties. "It is a strategy that doesn't work."

????A focus on lower end auctions will not cheapen Sotheby's brand, which is one of the oldest and most respected in the art world, says Rabin. "It didn't for Christie's, which has a sterling name as well. Focusing on cheaper lots is a good way of attracting new customers. Wealthy people don't start buying at the highest end, no matter how much money they have. They will have to develop a taste for collecting art first, for instance by starting at the $150,000 level and moving up from there. That's what makes Christie's so strong: It caters to every segment of the market place."?

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