


Dan Mitchell 2013-10-23

????假設(shè)大多數(shù)人采用聚合應(yīng)用程序(這仍然是一個很大的假設(shè)),那么仍然存在這么一個問題:這對于解決出版業(yè)所面臨的諸多問題到底會有多大作用。Flipboard聲稱擁有9,000萬用戶。即使這個數(shù)字有所夸大(比如,沒有任何跡象顯示其中有多少是活躍用戶),這款應(yīng)用程序也無疑是頗受歡迎的。但還有其他一些與之相競爭的應(yīng)用程序,在此僅舉兩例,比如Google Currents和Pulse。目前不可能知道這種情況對市場有什么影響——各種出版物會同時留在這些應(yīng)用平臺上嗎?讀者會同時堅持使用所有這些應(yīng)用程序嗎?如果所有這些應(yīng)用程序都競相銷售廣告,廣告價格會受到什么影響?



????Assuming that most people take to aggregation apps (still a big assumption), there will still be the question of how far that will go toward solving the problems of the publishing industry. Flipboard claims 90 million users. Even if that's inflated (there's no indication of how many of those are active users, for example), there's little doubt as to the app's popularity. But there are also several other competing apps, like Google Currents and Pulse, to name just two. How that will affect the market is impossible to know at this point -- will publications stick with a whole bunch of them at once? Will readers? What will be the effect on ad rates if all these apps are competing to sell ads?

????For Flipboard users, any loss of content is a bad thing, as Marshall himself acknowledged in his post. It's a truly elegant product. And it solves the problem of having to skip through a whole bunch of different websites or apps. It's like a not-ugly RSS reader with a user interface that beats just about anything on the web, and on most standalone apps. But none of that will mean anything if publishers feel they can't make enough money to keep the articles coming. McCue believes they eventually will -- but he hasn't proved it yet.

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