


Jeff Jordan 2013-10-28


????有些在線零售商希望消費(fèi)者在想到上亞馬遜搜索產(chǎn)品前,能夠先把自己直接置于消費(fèi)者眼前。比如像One Kings Lane和The Clymb這種“限時(shí)搶購”公司每天都會(huì)通過電子郵件向顧客發(fā)送一系列限時(shí)搶購的產(chǎn)品信息,價(jià)格非常有吸引力。另外像Birch Box和Trunk Club等公司還采取了訂閱模式,向用戶發(fā)送一份經(jīng)過高度篩選的產(chǎn)品清單,一般是每月發(fā)送一次。








????Deploy alternative distribution strategies

????A number of online retailers are trying to put themselves directly in front of consumers before they think to consider searching for a product on Amazon. "Flash sales" companies like One Kings Lane and The Clymb send daily emails that display an assortment of goods at attractive prices. Other companies like Birch Box or Trunk Club use a subscription model that sends you a highly curated selection of products, typically on a monthly basis.

????Leverage unique advantages

????Compared to Amazon, brick and mortar retailers are at a disadvantage because of their higher real estate, labor, and inventory costs. But a number of merchants are trying to flip this disadvantage on its head and put their network of local stores to use. Wal-Mart has allowed consumers to pick up online orders at their local store on the day it was ordered. Last holiday season, the retail giant launched a test of same-day delivery for online orders from its stores in a number of cities. Both take advantage of Wal-Mart's massive inventory in geographically spread out locations. And in a creative twist, the company is considering crowdsourcing its local, same-day delivery to Wal-Mart (WMT) customers, who would receive discounts on their shopping bill in exchange for their efforts.

????Alternatively, Williams-Sonoma has used both its store locations and catalogs to build its online business. They have been willing to cannibalize themselves, believing that someone else will do it if they don't. Over 40% of its revenue now comes through the online channel.

????It's clear that e-commerce is highly advantaged vis-à-vis offline retail and will continue to grow. The more relevant question to consider is how e-commerce companies will compete with Amazon.

????Amazon will always be able to pummel other e-tailers on price and probably on shipping as their scale advantages are virtually unassailable. Companies that hope to compete with Amazon successfully have to adopt different tactics. As when Cassius Clay (now Muhammad Ali) prepared to fight heavyweight champion Sonny Liston, they're going to have to "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

????Jeff Jordan is a partner at Andreessen Horowitz and is on the boards of AirBnB, Belly, Fab, Circle, Crowdtilt, Lookout and Pinterest, as well as Wealthfront and Zoosk. Prior to a16z, Jeff was president and CEO of OpenTable, which he took public in 2009. Before OpenTable, Jeff was president of PayPal, and he was previously the SVP and general manager of eBay North America.

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