


Miguel Helft 2013-11-04




????這種設(shè)計聽起來有些笨拙,但看起來卻非常精巧。聯(lián)想表示,圓柱型底座改變了設(shè)備的重量分布,更易于手持。內(nèi)置支架使用戶可以將設(shè)備放置在不同位置,用于打字、娛樂、閱讀或觀看視頻。聯(lián)想毫不意外地繼續(xù)采用了它對可變形超級本的命名規(guī)則,將新平板設(shè)備命名為Yoga。聯(lián)想Yoga超級本是市場上最受歡迎的Window 8設(shè)備。

????現(xiàn)在斷言Yoga平板(其售價為249美元和299美元)肯定會熱銷還為時過早。IT媒體the Verge非常敏銳地將Yoga平板與蘋果公司無線鍵盤(筆者認為,可以再加上蘋果的觸控板)的外形進行了對比,結(jié)果顯示,Yoga平板設(shè)備手持非常舒適。


????目前,聯(lián)想在平板市場羽翼尚未豐滿。它將Yoga系列的功能性和打破常規(guī)的外形融合到平板設(shè)備當中有著重要的意義?;蛘哒缏?lián)想新任“產(chǎn)品工程師”庫徹對《今日美國》(USA Today)所言,他希望幫助聯(lián)想的產(chǎn)品“盡可能方便消費者使用?!睅鞆厥呛萌R塢明星,曾主演電視劇《好漢兩個半》(Two and a Half Men)。庫徹已經(jīng)是一位多產(chǎn)的科技投資人,目前又有了新的副業(yè)——擔任聯(lián)想工程師和設(shè)計師的顧問。


????庫徹與聯(lián)想在洛杉磯展開合作,為Yoga平板舉辦了一場精心準備的發(fā)布會,必然會吸引注意力。只是有一點不盡如人意。發(fā)布會舉辦的時候正值全球各大報紙網(wǎng)站與博客正在熱評蘋果新iPad Air和iPad Mini。所以,如果你沒聽說過Yoga,也不意外。(財富中文網(wǎng))


????Who says tablets have to be flat? There was no decree from Steve Jobs, no edict from Amazon (AMZN), Google (GOOG) or Samsung. Oh, and Ashton Kutcher thinks it's unnecessary (more on that later). Yet the tablet market today is a sea of often indistinguishable flat slates in which hardware innovation is measured in thinness, screen resolution, battery life and speed.

????On Tuesday, Lenovo, the Chinese computer giant, unveiled a new line of Android tablets. The thin devices immediately stand out because of a cylindrical bulge that's built along one of their edges. The cylinder provides the space for a hefty battery that, according to Lenovo, can power the devices for 16 to 18 hours, which if true, blows away the competition.

????The design may sound clunky, but it looks slick. And Lenovo says the cylinder changes the weight distribution of the device, making it easier to hold. A built-in kickstand allows users to place the tablet in a variety of positions, for typing, playing, reading or watching. Not surprisingly, Lenovo named the new tablets Yoga, after its convertible ultra book, one of the most popular Windows 8 devices to hit the market.

????It's far too early to tell whether the Yoga tablets, which are available now starting at $249 and $299, will be a hit. Early reviews, like this one from the Verge, which astutely compares the shape of the Yoga to Apple's wireless keyboard (and I may add, Apple's touchpad), suggest it is indeed quite comfortable to hold.

????Lenovo is a relative newbie in the mobile computing world. But, as I described in a Fortune profile earlier this year, Lenovo has blown past its rivals in the PC market through a combination of scale, smart strategy (truly global, diversified) and product innovation. Now it's bringing this approach to the phone market, where in just two years it climbed to No. 2 smartphone seller in China and No. 4 globally.

????Bringing the Yoga-inspired versatility and unconventional look to tablets, where the company has yet to make a splash, makes good sense. Or so says the Lenovo's latest "product engineer," the Hollywood celebrity and co-star of Two and a Half Men, Kutcher. That's right, Kutcher, already a prolific tech investor, now has a side gig as advisor to Lenovo's engineers and designers. He told USA Today that he hopes to help make Lenovo's products "as consumer friendly as possible."

????Hiring a celebrity pitchman is a tried and true strategy for Lenovo, whose chief marketing officer, Apple and HP veteran David Roman, lined up soccer stars to sell its products in Japan and basketball greats to promote them in China. Roman has said that the partnership will go beyond the typical marketing alliance, as Kutcher "will help us break new ground by challenging assumptions, bringing new perspective and contributing his technical expertise to Yoga Tablet and other devices."

????With Kutcher and Lenovo teaming up for an event in Los Angeles, the Yoga tablets had the well-orchestrated launch befitting a product that deserves attention. Except for one thing. The event was being held just as the reviews for Apple's new iPad Air and iPad Mini were hitting newspaper Web sites and blogs the world over. If you hadn't heard about the Yoga yet, now you know why.

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