


JP Mangalindan 2013-11-12


????Twitter上市之前的一天,它確定以每股26美元公開募集7,000股,IPO規(guī)模達(dá)到18.2億美元。根據(jù)這個募股價格,它的市值已接近142億美元。這個數(shù)字比上周初 Twitter的估值還高。當(dāng)時,鑒于需求強(qiáng)勁,Twitter上調(diào)了發(fā)行價區(qū)間,公司估值相應(yīng)增至139億美元。

????當(dāng)然,這家總部設(shè)在舊金山市Tenderloin區(qū)Market街的社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司也不能免俗,也會慶祝。與Twitter關(guān)系密切的消息人士透露,上市當(dāng)天,這家公司清早5點(diǎn)就敞開大門,讓那些希望從辦公室里親眼看到開市敲鐘的員工如愿以償。Twitter公司的這個工作日直到下午5點(diǎn)才結(jié)束,因?yàn)樗?jì)劃讓大家再逗留一小時,還將延長的這段開心時光命名為“茶話時間”(Tea Time)。雖然Twitter不會以公司名義正式舉行盛大的慶典,但曾任Twitter技術(shù)平臺主管的賴安?薩維爾預(yù)計(jì)當(dāng)晚會讓自己的酒吧Tradition向慶祝Twitter上市的公司員工開放。薩維爾目前是風(fēng)投公司紅點(diǎn)創(chuàng)投(Redpoint Ventures)的合伙人。




????Twitter (TWTR) may be a publicly traded company as of this Thursday, but for the company's 2,300 employees, it'll be largely business as usual.

????"I don't think you will find any Twitter IPO parties in San Francisco," says one investor. "It's just not that kind of culture."

????On Wednesday, Twitter raised $1.82 billion, pricing 70 million shares at $26 each. At that price, the company has a market capitalization of nearly $14.2 billion -- up from the $13.9 billion estimated earlier this week after the company increased its share-price range based on strong demand.

????But the social network, now headquartered on Market St. in San Francisco's Tenderloin district, won't be completely devoid of celebration. According to a source close to Twitter, the company opened its doors at 5 a.m. so employees who wanted to watch the opening bell from the offices could do so. The business day will continue until 5 p.m., when Twitter plans to host an extended happy hour, dubbed "Tea Time." And while there won't be an official big bash, former Twitter Director of Platform Ryan Sarver, now a Redpoint Ventures partner, is also expected to open his bar Tradition that evening for festive employees.

????Indeed, the understated approach seems to follow the philosophy of co-founder Jack Dorsey, who is said by some former employees to follow a "back-to-work" approach regardless of company milestones. It could also serve Twitter well if the company's Wall Street debut proves a rocky one. And the company is currently unprofitable, reporting a $133 million net loss on $422 million in revenues through the first nine months of 2013.

????In other words? There's clearly much more work to be done.

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