


Kevin Kelleher 2013-11-21


????過去的一年中,F(xiàn)acebook股價漲了115%,而納斯達克綜合指數(shù)僅上漲了37%。市場調(diào)研公司Thomson/First Call跟蹤的40位證券分析師中,目前有32位給予這只股票“買入”或“強力買入”評級,8位分析師給予“持有”評級,沒有一位給予“賣出”評級。即便大幅反彈之后,目前該股的空頭頭寸只有一年前的1/3。





????Facebook將再次出現(xiàn)增長率下滑的現(xiàn)象。分析人士預(yù)測,F(xiàn)acebook 公司2013年收入增長50%,2014年增長36%。這還是在上述所有的增長動力推動之下。但所有這些都取決于一個答案非常不確定的重要問題:Facebook還能向移動端注入多少廣告、同時又不會把用戶趕跑?


????A year ago, few investors were bullish on Facebook (FB). Some writers argued that, at $23 a share, it was still overvalued. Others thought Yahoo (YHOO) under Marissa Mayer had a better shot at a turnaround. While some bears were beginning to temper their pessimism, the consensus view was that Facebook was expensive and speculative.

????In the past year, Facebook's stock has risen 115%, against a 37% rise in the Nasdaq Composite Index. Of 40 securities analysts tracked by Thomson/First Call, 32 currently have a buy or strong buy rating, 8 have a hold rating and none have a sell rating. Even with the rally, short interest on the stock is a third of what it was a year ago.

????What changed? The main reason for this reversal of fortune in Facebook's stock is the company's sudden growth in mobile ads. Back when the stock was languishing in the $20 range, Facebook vowed to monetize its audience's shift from desktop computers to mobile devices. That focus on mobile worked. A year ago, revenue was growing at only 32%. In its most recent quarter September, revenue grew 60%.

????In the last few weeks, however, there have been a few signs that Facebook's impressive rally is running out of steam. Last week, the stock traded as low as $45.73, or 17% down from its record high of $54.82 one month ago. The stock was trading around $47 a share Monday. Is this decline an early sign of a downturn or just a quick sputter? Looking ahead, it's worth considering factors that could derail the Facebook rally.

????Facebook's turnaround is priced into its stock. The company's recovery was so impressive it paradoxically set the bar of expectations higher even than it was when Facebook went public in May of last year. That has left Facebook very expensive, priced for growth that won't happen for a couple of years: Facebook is trading at 125 times its trailing 12-month earnings, and at 44 times its estimated earnings in 2014.

????There are still several factors that will drive Facebook's growth: the company is better targeting its ads to deliver stronger returns for advertisers; it will start to sell more ads on Instagram and on Facebook videos; it can build a stronger third-party ad network; and advertiser demand for Facebook ads is showing no signs of slowing right now. That's a sunny forecast, but it's well known. It doesn't justify the stock moving higher from here.

????Facebook will see growth rates decline again. Analysts are forecasting 50% growth in Facebook revenue for 2013 and 36% for 2014. That's with all of the growth initatives listed above. But all of this hinges on an important question with a very uncertain answer: How many more ads can Facebook load into its mobile feeds without driving away users?

????In Facebook's last earnings call, CFO David Ebersman said the company "significantly" increased desktop ads but "modestly" increased those in mobile feeds. The company plans on keeping ads at around 5% of mobile-feed content, relying on growing usage and rising demand to maintain growth.

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