
評(píng)測(cè)報(bào)告:未來(lái)游戲機(jī)Xbox One志在客廳

評(píng)測(cè)報(bào)告:未來(lái)游戲機(jī)Xbox One志在客廳

JP Mangalindan 2013-11-22
????Xbox One定價(jià)為499美元,包括了第二代Kinect 2動(dòng)作感應(yīng)操縱桿和一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)手柄。圖片來(lái)源:微軟公司??

????如果Xbox One還沒(méi)成為你節(jié)日心愿單上最想要的禮物,那它應(yīng)該占據(jù)這個(gè)位置。

????美國(guó)時(shí)間本周五,微軟公司(Microsoft)將推出Xbox One。很明顯微軟這次是瞄準(zhǔn)了客廳有備而來(lái),將看電視、玩游戲和上網(wǎng)這三者以空前程度融為一體。這臺(tái)設(shè)備售價(jià)為499美元,要比上周索尼公司(Sony)推出的PlayStation 4貴100美元,但是多出來(lái)的這些錢(qián)卻能讓用戶獲得下一代的用戶體驗(yàn),包括菜單瀏覽、用語(yǔ)音識(shí)別和手勢(shì)驅(qū)動(dòng)的游戲設(shè)置。


????硬件。形容它就一個(gè)字:大!Xbox One就是一頭巨獸,讓PlayStation 4、Wii U和近幾年出品的絕大多數(shù)游戲機(jī)都相形見(jiàn)絀(實(shí)際上它的凈尺寸之大完全可以和老式錄像機(jī)相匹敵)。仔細(xì)端詳會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),這臺(tái)墨黑色的塑料游戲機(jī)頗有特色——它采用了啞光和鏡面混搭的材質(zhì),覆蓋機(jī)身一半面積的頂蓋為格柵式,一些地方采用了銀色的鍍鉻層,觸摸式電源開(kāi)關(guān)同時(shí)也兼做品牌標(biāo)識(shí)——不過(guò)Xbox One的工業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)更偏于實(shí)用,而不僅僅是為了美觀。全新的Kinect 2動(dòng)作感應(yīng)操縱桿也是如此,它的尺寸幾乎和除臭劑罐子一樣大,就是為了和電視機(jī)離得更近些。

????手柄和Xbox 360很像,但外觀和手感都進(jìn)行了優(yōu)化。兩端的兩個(gè)控鍵表面波紋處理得更到位,握持更舒適。按鈕按起來(lái)明顯感覺(jué)更高檔(特別需要指出的是,方向墊經(jīng)過(guò)了重新設(shè)計(jì),感覺(jué)再也不是那么廉價(jià)了,實(shí)用性也強(qiáng)多了)。微軟這次還把振動(dòng)電機(jī)從原來(lái)的兩個(gè)增加為四個(gè),這樣游戲開(kāi)發(fā)者就不必讓整個(gè)手柄都震動(dòng),而將游戲帶來(lái)的震動(dòng)感局限于局部。這是一個(gè)非常微小的調(diào)整,但它能讓玩家在玩《極限競(jìng)速5》(Forza Motorsport 5)這類(lèi)游戲時(shí)更加身臨其境,比如過(guò)彎時(shí)就能體會(huì)到這種不同。這個(gè)手柄的人體工學(xué)不像PlayStation 4的那樣到位,后者這方面讓我覺(jué)得是所有游戲機(jī)中做得登峰造極的一款,不過(guò)玩家們也不會(huì)覺(jué)得微軟的新產(chǎn)品太差勁。

????If the Xbox One isn't already near the top of your holiday wish list, it should be.

????With Microsoft's (MSFT) Xbox One, due out this Friday, it's clear the company is gunning for the living room, marrying TV viewing, game play, and Internet-connected services to an unprecedented degree. At $499, it may cost $100 more than the Sony (SNE) PlayStation 4 that was released last week, but the extra cash nets users a next-generation user experience, including menu navigation and gameplay driven by voice recognition and gesture.

????With this device, Microsoft wants to own the living room in a way the company's previous products never could, with more advanced hardware and software that juggles everything from playing games to scanning a player's skeletal frame and musculature. It's the first time in a while you'll be excited to see the Microsoft logo when you rip open the wrapping paper.

????The hardware. One word: huge. The Xbox One is a beast, dwarfing the PlayStation 4 and Wii U and most other consoles of recent years. (It's so large in fact, it'll challenge old-school VCR boxes in sheer size.) There are some nice accents on the jet-back plastic console up-close -- a two-tone juxtaposition of matte and shiny textures, a grill top that covers half the device, some silver chrome, and a touch-activated power button doubling as a logo -- but the Xbox One's industrial design is more utilitarian than looker. The same goes for the new Kinect 2 motion-sensing bar, roughly the size of a Febreze can and meant to sit closer to the television.

????The controller bears a strong resemblance to the Xbox 360's, but the look and feel has been refined. The two handles on either end are slightly more contoured for holding. Buttons click in an appreciably more premium-feeling way. (In the particular, the direction pad has been redesigned and feels a lot less cheap and a lot more usable.) Microsoft also integrated four vibration motors instead of two this time around. So instead of the entire controller rumbling, developers can make the sensation more localized. It's a very subtle distinction but one that adds to the immersiveness of gameplay during games like Forza Motorsport 5, as players take corners. The controller isn't as ergonomic as the PlayStation 4's, which wins my personal award for best-feeling console controller ever, but players won't grouse about discomfort here, either.

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