


Nin-Hai Tseng 2013-11-26


????Over the past few years, we have become all too familiar with housing bubbles. When markets go bust, it gets ugly. Rapidly rising home prices in the early 2000s got the U.S. and parts of Europe into lots of trouble; these economies slumped into recession when prices crashed. Nobody wants to relive another economic disaster, but in some parts of the world, housing markets are looking bubbly, and some fear they risk putting economies in jeopardy. Here's a look at five markets to watch.


????在澳大利亞南部地區(qū),房?jī)r(jià)正在迅速上漲,促使國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund)于上周三發(fā)出警告稱,房地產(chǎn)價(jià)格最近的暴漲可能導(dǎo)致價(jià)值“高估”。





????In the land down under, home prices are rising quickly, prompting the International Monetary Fund on Wednesday to caution that the recent surge in property prices could cause values to "overshoot."

????In Sydney, the nation's most populous city, the average home price rose by 13% so far this year to a record $718,122. That's higher than London, where the average is $536,236 and close to New York, where the average is $806,000.

????The IMF stopped short of saying there's a housing bubble in hot housing markets, including Melbourne and Brisbane, but urged regulators to keep a closer eye on property investments to ensure banks maintain strict lending standards.

????In September, Australian central bank officials advised lenders against being too eager to offer mortgages to customers, saying record-low interest rates risked fueling a rise in speculative buying.

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