


Ryan Bradley 2013-11-26







????Having a band on your wrist that is keeping track of how well you sleep has another, not-at-all technical side benefit. It's a reminder. My UP, and talking to Sanna, forced me to reconsider how I get ready for bed. Now I plug my phone into its charger in a different room, far enough away from my nightstand that I'm not tempted to stare into its glowing screen and disrupt my ancient circadian rhythms.

????There are many things for which I don't use the UP. I don't share my data with any "teammates" as the app calls them. (My colleague Jessi Hempel and I were, briefly, linked as teammates but it was honestly creepy to see a graph of her sleep patterns, and to find out that she's a much earlier riser than I, and to know that she could see the blip on my graph around 5 a.m. when I get up every morning to let the cat out, and back in, and then out again.)

????The fact that I'm a haphazard user of the UP product isn't actually bad news for Jawbone because of an important point: I'm still using it. Jeremiah Robinson, VP of software at Jawbone, sounded delighted when I told him just how casual I was with his product. "When we look across health and wellness, you see the same patterns of adherence, again and again: The first week in is best week. Over time motivation wanes. We took a long look at this," he says. "Being healthy is so aspirational, why is health management such a chore? Why are people failing to fulfill their aspirations? Our goal was to really break that pattern of adherence. To make it hip, sure, but also to understand the science of behavior change."

????"One of the biggest things," he continues, is the "need to capture people in the moment of intent, or intervention. I don't believe people will use something if it doesn't blend into their life." I thought of that buzzing vibration -- it's happening just now, in fact, as I type this. I've been sitting for an hour. I'm going to get up and go for a quick walk around the office.

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