


Doron Levin 2013-11-28

????賓利(Bentley)或任何一家超豪華汽車廠商打算生產(chǎn)SUV的想法都曾讓一些汽車品牌的高管不以為然地一笑了之。不過現(xiàn)在他們再也笑不出來了。保時捷(Porsche)推出了卡宴(Cayenne)?,斏伲∕aserati)、蘭博基尼(Lamborghini)、捷豹(Jaguar)、阿爾法羅密歐(Alfa Romeo)都在開發(fā)SUV。甚至連寶馬(BMW)的子公司勞斯萊斯(Rolls-Royce)也在考慮開發(fā)一款——我敢打賭他們肯定會把這個想法付諸現(xiàn)實。



????推出超豪華SUV的原因很簡單:這種車賺錢。高端客戶就想在自己的豪車收藏室里收入這種車,愿意花上幾十萬美元買它們。而且不管怎么說,他們早就買了路虎攬勝(Range Rover)、奔馳G系列越野車(Mercedes G-Wagons)和凱迪拉克凱雷德(Escalades)。實際上,賓利發(fā)現(xiàn)它的客戶中有30%的人已經(jīng)擁有一輛路虎攬勝了。


????賓利總裁沃爾夫?qū)?施萊博這個月在斯托克向《前哨報》(The Sentinel)暗示,全新SUV可能會搭載暫不說明的“綠色技術(shù)”——可能是指混動引擎。


????The idea that Bentley, or any ultra-luxury automaker, would manufacture a -- shudder! -- sport-utility vehicle once provoked a condescending chuckle from brand executives.

????No longer. Porsche now offers Cayenne. Maserati, Lamborghini, Jaguar, Alfa Romeo all are developing SUVs. Even Rolls-Royce, a subsidiary of BMW, is considering one -- and I'll lay odds it will happen.

????A new generation of wealthy consumers sees nothing déclassé about SUVs. Bentley has been among the last holdouts -- and that will end in early 2016, when its SUV comes to market, Kevin Rose, Bentley board member for marketing, confirmed last week in Los Angeles.

????Critics panned an earlier version of a Bentley SUV shown at the 2012 Geneva Auto Show. Bentley scrapped its initial design, and the new version is being developed at the company's headquarters in Crewe, England.

????The reasons for building an ultra-luxury SUV are simple: They make money. High-end customers expect to see them in showrooms, will pay the hundreds of thousands they cost, and, in any event, have been buying Range Rovers, Mercedes G-Wagons, and Cadillac Escalades in the interim. In fact, Bentley discovered that 30% of its owners already own a Range Rover.

????A Bentley SUV could add to the bottom line since its corporate parent, Volkswagen, already has invested in the architecture and engineering used for the Porsche Cayenne and VW Touareg. Grafting Bentley flesh onto a skeleton borrowed from Cayenne is far less costly than developing from scratch.

????Bentley chairman Wolfgang Schreiber hinted to The Sentinel newspaper in Stoke-on-Trent, England earlier this month that a new SUV could include unspecified "green technologies" -- perhaps a hybrid engine.

????"For our existing models with their technology platforms," he said, "it wouldn't be possible to create a hybrid without starting again and doing it all from new." At some point, the new SUV could be offered as an electric vehicle, he said.

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