
2005款福特野馬 ????現(xiàn)在已是福特集團副總裁的梅斯當年主導2005款野馬的設計時,老款野馬的銷售正日益慘淡。而他的做法是,沿用20世紀60年代末的斜背式車型。有些內(nèi)部人士認為,這輛車的外觀實際上出自當時福特一位名叫錫德?拉姆那雷斯的工業(yè)設計師之手,但它的車身比例——長引擎蓋、短后備箱——卻顯然是遵循了復古未來主義的設計法則。后來,梅斯喜歡自嘲說,他很高興能別被后人看成是“那個搞砸野馬的家伙”。 |
2005 Ford Mustang ????Sales of the original pony car were languishing when Mays, now a Ford group vice president, directed the styling of the 2005 Mustang along the lines of the fastback models from the late 1960s. Some sources attribute the actual look of the exterior to an industrial designer working at Ford named Sid Ramnarace, but the proportions -- long hood, short deck -- came straight from the retro-futuristic playbook. Afterward, Mays liked to joke that he was glad not to be remembered as "the guy who screwed up the Mustang." |