


Andy Serwer 2013-12-12

????眼下,傳媒圈正在熱議企業(yè)家喬納?佩雷蒂,人們聊的不僅僅是他最新創(chuàng)立的網(wǎng)站BuzzFeed。這位《赫芬頓郵報(bào)》( The Huffington Post )聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人因探索信息的在線傳播方式而聲名鵲起。他把一種學(xué)術(shù)興趣轉(zhuǎn)化為一系列盈利前景可觀的企業(yè),進(jìn)而促使業(yè)內(nèi)人士反思分銷內(nèi)容,尤其是在線分銷內(nèi)容的方式。

????這段對(duì)話的靈感源自今年我在紐約舉行的美國(guó)雜志媒體大會(huì)(American Magazine Media Conference)上對(duì)佩雷蒂的采訪。下面是這次對(duì)話的精華部分。






????People in the media industry are buzzing about entrepreneur Jonah Peretti, and it's not just his latest venture, BuzzFeed, that has them talking. The Huffington Post co-founder has made a name for himself exploring the ways information spreads online, turning an academic interest into a highly lucrative series of businesses that are prompting people in the media industry to rethink the way they distribute content—especially online.

????The inspiration for this conversation came from an interview of Peretti that I conducted at this year's American Magazine Media Conference in New York. Here are the highlights.

????Serwer: By now, everybody knows what BuzzFeed is, or at least has been to the website. What exactly, to your mind, is BuzzFeed?

????Peretti: I think I maybe see BuzzFeed differently than a lot of our readers see it. I think a lot about how ideas spread, how information spreads, why is it that something you're really proud of and you spend a lot of time creating sometimes doesn't go anywhere, and something that you kind of do on the side, on a lark, ends up getting shared and passed around and having this big impact. And so I think of BuzzFeed as this platform that enables us to understand how people are sharing and distributing things like entertainment content, journalism, branded content, all these various types of content that we distribute on this platform that we built.

????When we started, we really were a laboratory trying to understand how this stuff works. Now, we're a team of really dedicated editors and reporters and people creating entertainment to distribute across the web on our site.

????Where do you want to take BuzzFeed? You don't characterize it as a journalistic enterprise per se. What is it most analogous to in the traditional media world?

????I think that there are certain companies that, on the web, you can compare to a traditional entity. So you can look at eBay and say there were auctions in the real world, and now there are auctions online. Or you can look at Amazon and you can say there were stores that people go to, and now there are online stores. In fact, at The Huffington Post, we talked about the "Internet newspaper." It was kind of comparing the site to a [printed] newspaper.

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