


Andy Serwer 2013-12-12



????創(chuàng)辦這家網(wǎng)站時(shí),我們真的沒(méi)有考慮過(guò)目標(biāo)受眾群體。我們只是集中精力為社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)創(chuàng)作內(nèi)容,共享是我們散播內(nèi)容的方式。移動(dòng)和社交真正融合在一起。這么說(shuō)來(lái),過(guò)去阻止內(nèi)容傳播的正是手機(jī)。我以前很討厭手機(jī)。你的黑莓手機(jī)(BlackBerry )收到一封電郵時(shí),你說(shuō),“回到辦公室以后,我再查閱。”現(xiàn)在,移動(dòng)設(shè)備上最流行的應(yīng)用程序是社交應(yīng)用。Facebook、Twitter的相當(dāng)大一部分流量都來(lái)自移動(dòng)終端。







????If you made something that was compelling and touched people in a deeper way, you might actually… there might be a mountain that you could climb, but if you're just following numbers, you think you're at the top of the mountain because every direction you go looks like it's downward to a lower click-through rate. But there's actually something there that's much bigger. Optimization can lead to finding local maximums, but those local maximums often aren't where you actually want to be. That's why exploring lots of different kinds of content, and thinking about things on a human level and saying, "Is this actually good content, or are people just clicking this because they can't resist clicking it because it's a guilty pleasure?" is important. You need to have creative, experimental people trying lots of different things. And then the data becomes meaningful.

????My college-age daughter loves BuzzFeed. What is your audience? What do you want your audience to be?

????We didn't really start with a demographic in mind. We just were focused on making content for the social web, with sharing being our distribution. Mobile and social really converged. So, it used to be that mobile was the thing that would stop things from spreading. I used to hate mobile. You'd get the email on your BlackBerry and say, "I'll look at this when I get back to the office." Now the most popular apps on mobile devices are social apps. When we see traffic from Facebook or Twitter, it's disproportionately mobile.

????So we were focused on making media for the way people consume media today, for mobile, for social. And then we kind of were looking at our contour numbers, and we were like, "Oh, wow! We have this super-young demographic. Why do we have this super-young demographic?" The reason was that we were making media for the way people were consuming content today, and young people are the earliest adopters of using smartphones to consume media, and of using the social web as their main source of content. So we kind of accidentally ended up with this demographic of readers in their twenties and thirties who are very active on social media, who are very educated, who have high incomes relative to the peers their same age, but not relative to their parents, and who share content at a really high rate and engage with content in a very voracious way.

????Do you want to get older? Do you want to get broader? Is it something that you seek to do?

????I think we will. I mean, it's hard to predict the future. My guess is that a lot of the media consumption behaviors of young people will start to spread to a broader audience. I actually don't think we're demographically defined. It's more a way of consuming content media, and I think there are older people who do consume media that way, and they'll probably increase. That will be a growth area for us, just the same way that older people were a growth area for Facebook.

????How many people go through the front door of BuzzFeed.com? Does that speak to the tension between search and social?

????We have millions of people go to our front page and tens of millions of people go to our "B" pages and articles. Social has really become the starting point—the Facebook newsfeed, the Twitter stream—where most people are finding their news and information now. It's become something that has become more and more prevalent, particularly for young people. And we are in those streams at a really high rate. We're one of the most popular sites on Facebook and Twitter and other social sites.

????People go to the front page of BuzzFeed partly because they've seen a bunch of things in their stream, and they're like, "Oh, I like this site. Why don't I go to the source?" I think that happens. But also people are going to look for something to share. So people come to the front page of BuzzFeed saying, "Oh, that article sucks. This one's not for me. This isn't my cup of tea. But this one is perfect, and I'm going to share it with all of my friends." So the eclecticness of our home page almost is a benefit because it lets people pass over things that isn't the right content for them, find the one that is, and put that into their stream and get the sharing going on the social web.

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