


Andy Serwer 2013-12-12








????我們有4種類型的內(nèi)容。BuzzFeed有我們的記者團隊創(chuàng)作的新聞內(nèi)容。這個團隊的工作重心真的不是聚合新聞;他們給人們打電話,聯(lián)系消息源,做原創(chuàng)的東西。我們也做娛樂內(nèi)容,經(jīng)常發(fā)布一些很有特色的榜單。盡管它們經(jīng)常使用美聯(lián)社(AP)、路透社(Reuters)、蓋蒂照片社(Getty )、圖像庫和其他來源的材料,但這些榜單都是原創(chuàng)作品。此外,我們還制作品牌內(nèi)容,這是我們維持生計的方式,我們的收入源泉。在100個頂級品牌中,有50個使用BuzzFeed的平臺發(fā)布品牌內(nèi)容。最后,我們也有社區(qū)內(nèi)容。大家可以去BuzzFeed的社區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn),創(chuàng)作自己的內(nèi)容,發(fā)布出來。這4種不同類型的內(nèi)容,都是在我們開發(fā)的技術(shù)平臺上發(fā)布的。



????Do you care about search at all anymore?

????We don't spend that much time thinking about search.

????Isn't that amazing, that SEO is not an important part of what you do?

????It's a tricky thing. I mean, I think that search will at some point have to catch up to social, you know, to understanding how to index and present content that is getting shared at a high rate. I think there's a problem now where Google doesn't have a lot of that social data. The aggregators win on search where people cram in key words and do SEO and rewrite stories. But on social, you want to share the authoritative story—the Ben Smith scoop is going to get re-tweeted a bunch of times, not the rewrite of the Ben Smith scoop. But the rewrite is going to be what ends up getting a lot of the traffic in Google. That's the thing that Google is going to have to figure out how to fix over the next years.

????Interestingly, it's not like Google's suffering right now particularly. At one point, I thought that search was going to kill search. Can both pies grow?

????Yeah. It's always hard to predict. BlackBerry had record profits right before it all started to fall apart. Google could have another ten years of rapid growth and success and drive us around in cars and tell us what to think and look at with glasses, or they could have real problems. It will be interesting to see.

????What percentage of BuzzFeed content originates from BuzzFeed?

????We have four types of content. We have news content created by our team of journalists and reporters. They really are not focused on aggregation; they are calling people, working sources, doing original stuff. We have entertainment, often characterized by our lists. And those lists are all original creations, although they often use material from, you know, AP and Reuters and Getty and image libraries and other sources. Then we have branded content, which is how we make our living, where our revenue comes from. Fifty of the top 100 brands used BuzzFeed's platform to launch branded content. And we also have community content, which is where you can go to BuzzFeed, go to the community section and create your own content and launch it. Four different types of content, all on top of the same technology platform that we developed.

????Let's talk about that branded, sponsored content. You treat that the same way you treat editorial in terms of optimizing the social component, right?

????Yeah. A few years ago, our traffic was starting to grow, and we had a board meeting, and my board asked me whether we had any revenue. And I said no.

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