


Scott Cendrowski 2013-12-24

????中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)的繁榮發(fā)展以及中國(guó)消費(fèi)者對(duì)于知名洋品牌的熱衷都不能確保外來(lái)品牌一定就能在中國(guó)市場(chǎng)獲得成功。好時(shí)公司(Hershey)最近以5.84億美元收購(gòu)糖果制造商上海金絲猴食品公司(Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Company)就是一個(gè)例子,它足以證明外來(lái)者拓展中國(guó)市場(chǎng)的艱難。


????中國(guó)市場(chǎng)的巨大潛力讓好時(shí)做了一些前所未有的嘗試。收購(gòu)金絲猴之前,好時(shí)從未進(jìn)行過(guò)超過(guò)2億美元的收購(gòu)。今年夏季,好時(shí)在中國(guó)推出了悠漫(Lancaster)品牌香純奶焙糖,這是它近120年歷史中首次在美國(guó)之外的市場(chǎng)推出一個(gè)新品牌。好時(shí)一位發(fā)言人上周四接受《糖果》雜志(Confectionery News)采訪時(shí)稱,公司的目標(biāo)是到2017年,讓中國(guó)成為繼美國(guó)之后的第二大市場(chǎng)。




????For proof that the Chinese market is difficult for outsiders, a place where even a booming economy and a love for top foreign brands isn't enough to guarantee success, look to Hershey's (HSY) recent $584 million deal to buy candy maker Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Company.

????The Golden Monkey is no Hershey. Its estimated sales of $225 million in 2013 compare to Hershey's estimated $7 billion. Hershey has Kisses; Golden Money has red-bean milk candies. And that's part of Hershey's problem in China: Its famous milk chocolate doesn't work well in the country, where consumers tend to prefer candies besides chocolate.

????The promise of the Chinese market has Hershey doing things it has never done before. Before Golden Monkey, Hershey had never spent more than $200 million on an acquisition. And this summer, for the first time in the company's nearly 120-year history, it launched a new brand outside the U.S., a condensed milk candy in China called Lancaster. A company spokesperson told Confectionery News Thursday that Hershey aims for China to become its second-largest market, after the U.S., by 2017.

????Some simple math suggests Hershey isn't getting into China on the cheap. The acquisition is the type of deal that shows how important the Chinese market is to Western companies, even those like Hershey, a famously domestic brand (with 85% of sales coming from the U.S.)

????Golden Monkey may post sales of $225 million this year, according to the companies. If we assume Golden Monkey boasts profit margins similar to those at Hershey, one of the most iconic brands in the biggest chocolate market in the world, the U.S., then Golden Money will earn around $22.5 million this year. That's a generous assumption.

????Hershey's $584 million deal means it is paying more than 26 times earnings for Golden Monkey (using net earnings) or 2.6 times sales. That's not an outrageous M&A valuation, but it's not cheap either. To make the deal worthwhile, Hershey is dependent on Golden Monkey's distribution platform in China and the company's Chinese know-how, things that Hershey had to buy.

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