


Caroline Fairchild 2014-01-03


????由于沒有FDA的認(rèn)可,膳食補(bǔ)充劑公司試圖通過其他途徑來為他們的產(chǎn)品提供可靠性。NoHo的配方由一位藥劑師發(fā)明,目前正接受醫(yī)學(xué)測試,驗(yàn)證其有效性。私人所有的防宿醉飲料公司Mercy Nutraceuticals最近公布了一項(xiàng)臨床研究的初步結(jié)果,證明其產(chǎn)品能緩解與飲酒有關(guān)的宿醉癥狀。

????其他公司則宣稱,治療宿醉的最有效方法是在第二天早晨服用他們推出的非處方藥。私營公司Rally Labs的總裁兼創(chuàng)始人布倫娜?海瑟姆說,雖然“補(bǔ)充劑這個(gè)野生世界”在很大程度上沒有受到醫(yī)學(xué)界的監(jiān)管,但她們公司的檸檬味沸騰片Blowfish采用咖啡因和阿司匹林等受到FDA監(jiān)管的成分制成。這種藥片每片售價(jià)約2美元,在全美8,000多家商店有售。這家公司的網(wǎng)站聲稱,Blowfish能在短短的15分鐘內(nèi)消除酒精引起的不良反應(yīng)。海瑟姆不愿透露公司的業(yè)績情況。

????庫恩博士質(zhì)疑宿醉治療產(chǎn)品是不是真的比多喝水和服止痛片等傳統(tǒng)方法更加有效。然而,宿醉緩解飲料和藥丸的市場不斷擴(kuò)大,確實(shí)表明人們亟需可靠的治療方法。美國疾病控制與預(yù)防中心(the Center for Disease Control and Prevention)的數(shù)據(jù)顯示,美國人每年喝掉1,170億杯酒。宿醉未消者拖著沉重的步伐前往辦公室,因?yàn)楣ぷ鲌鏊a(chǎn)力下降而每年給美國帶來1,600億美元的經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。






????"There is a grey area on what they can or cannot say," Fabricant said, speaking broadly about the claims of dietary supplement companies. "We like to say that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

????Without the FDA's official stamp of approval, dietary supplement companies attempt to bring credibility to their products in other ways. NoHo's formula was created by a pharmacist and is currently undergoing medical testing for its positive effects. Privately held hangover-prevention beverage company Mercy Nutraceuticals recently announced the preliminary results of a clinical study that showed its product reduced hangover symptoms associated with alcohol consumption.

????Other companies sell over-the-counter drugs that claim the most effective way to battle a hangover is to instead take something the morning after. Brenna Haysom, the president and founder of the privately held Rally Labs, said while "the wild world of supplements" goes largely unregulated by the medical community, her company's lemon-flavored fizzy tablet Blowfish is made with FDA-regulated ingredients like caffeine and aspirin. The product is available for about $2 per dose in more than 8,000 stores across the country and is marketed on its website as being able to knock out the adverse effects of alcohol in as little as 15 minutes. Haysom declined to comment specifically about her company's financial performance.

????Dr. Kuhn is skeptical that hangover treatment products are any more effective at warding off a hangover than traditional solutions like staying hydrated or taking a pain reliever. Still, the growing market for hangover-easing drinks and pills does prove that people are desperate for a reliable cure. Americans consume 117 billion drinks every year, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Hungover workers who trudge to the office after a night of tying one on cost the U.S. economy $160 billion annually in lost workplace productivity.

????The obvious solution to this problem is painfully simple: Just don't drink. But for the 66% of Americans who enjoy the occasional beer, wine, or cocktail, that is not an easy option.

????"We are a nation of light to moderate alcohol consumers, and it is part of our social dynamic," said David Racicot, the CEO of Mercy. "As we come up on the holiday season, drinking comes at an even faster pace."

????Even as 2014 approaches, an undeniable cure for your hangover is not likely something that will be discovered in the near future. Dr. Wilkie Wilson, a professor of prevention science at Duke's Social Sciences Research Institute and the co-author of Buzzed, said very few institutions are willing to devote research into all the ways alcohol negatively affects the body because it is such a preventable problem. As a result, the medical community also remains in the dark about what exactly can curb the misery that follows a night of drinking.

????"Should we be spending our precious research dollars trying to figure out how to make people who went on a drinking binge feel better? Unless there is some greater good than that, probably not," Wilson said.

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