


John Gaudiosi 2014-01-03
新設備意味著新時代和新游戲。微軟Xbox One和索尼PS4前后腳上市之后,2014年預計會涌現一大批為這兩個游戲平臺開發(fā)的新游戲。其中,我們今天要介紹的十款大制作最值得玩家期待。



????微軟(Microsoft)的Xbox One和索尼(Sony )PS4在視覺精細度和性能上可以說是針尖對麥芒,因而針對各自設備設計的獨家游戲對于兩家公司來說都將十分重要。但是整個行業(yè)仍然要在全球范圍內支持8000萬臺PS3和8000萬臺Xbox 360的需求。各大游戲發(fā)行商仍將在各大主流平臺上為當前一代和下一代游戲機的用戶發(fā)布更多的游戲(不過任天堂的Wii U并不在很多發(fā)行商的計劃內)。以下十款游戲就是各大發(fā)行商2014年最受期待的大作。

????With the holidays offering plenty of free time for gamers to catch up on the first crop of next-generation titles, that extra Christmas money is already being spent on pre-orders for the big games of 2014. According to research firm Newzoo, the video game industry is expected to grow 7% from the $70.4 billion it's expected to generate this year, riding the wave of next-generation and lower-priced, current-generation hardware.

????"With two new consoles fresh on the market, it will be another very interesting year for the games industry," said Peter Warman, CEO of Newzoo. "Traditionally, current-gen console use outnumbers gamers on next-gen consoles for a number of years. To a large degree, games launched for the new devices will help determine the successful growth of next-gen consoles."

????With Xbox One and PS4 being neck-and-neck with visual fidelity and performance at this early juncture, exclusive games will be a key driver for Sony (SNE) and Microsoft(MSFT, Fortune 500). But the industry, as a whole, will continue to support the 80 million PS3s and 80 million Xbox 360s in homes around the world. Publishers will release many games across the key platforms (you'll notice, however, that Wii U isn't included in many publishers' plans) to deliver both a next-gen experience for early adopters as well as a current-gen game for the masses. The following list of 10 games focuses on some of the most anticipated officially announced cross-platform games from third-party publishers coming in 2014.

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