


John Gaudiosi 2014-01-03
新設(shè)備意味著新時(shí)代和新游戲。微軟Xbox One和索尼PS4前后腳上市之后,2014年預(yù)計(jì)會(huì)涌現(xiàn)一大批為這兩個(gè)游戲平臺(tái)開(kāi)發(fā)的新游戲。其中,我們今天要介紹的十款大制作最值得玩家期待。


????? 發(fā)行方:Square Enix、Eidos Montreal

????? 平臺(tái):Xbox One、PS4、Xbox 360、PS3、PC

????? 價(jià)格:60美元

????? 發(fā)行日期:2014年2月25日




????? Studio: Square Enix, Eidos Montreal

????? Consoles: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC

????? Price: $60

????? Release date: Feb. 25, 2014

????This reboot of the successful PC franchise re-imagines the world of Thief, while retaining the stealth first-person action gameplay that made the original games stand out from the crowd. Players will slip into the role of Garrett, a master thief who's not a swash-buckling warrior.

????Gameplay revolves around Garrett's cunning and sleight-of-hand, rather than swordplay, which is refreshing in this day and age. He is adept with a bow and arrow, which is the primary weapon in the game. The open world at your disposal is called The City, which harkens back to post-Victorian era London. After being away for some time, Garrett returns to find a rotting and dismal landscape and embarks on a mission to re-establish himself within town as the master thief, while hunting down an ex-apprentice who's gone rogue. It's up to the player how they go about robbing from the rich and corrupt Baron and his cohorts through an assortment of "jobs" available for thieves. The evolving story, which involves a revolution, reveals itself through interactions and eavesdropping on characters. There's also multiplayer gameplay to keep fans coming back for more after the campaign has been completed.

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