


Jennifer Reingold 2014-01-16

????然而,迪斯尼動畫的確引入了皮克斯一項關(guān)鍵特征:他們讓導(dǎo)演(而不是工作室高管或動畫主管)負(fù)責(zé)整個故事。不同于許多動畫工作室,皮克斯讓導(dǎo)演決定敘事的弧線。技術(shù)被用來服務(wù)于故事敘述,而不是充當(dāng)電影的出發(fā)點?!暗纤鼓釀赢嬤^去是一家由行政高管驅(qū)動的工作室,”拉塞特說?!艾F(xiàn)在,它是一家由電影制片人驅(qū)動的工作室?!边@是一個重大轉(zhuǎn)變,迪斯尼動畫耗費了相當(dāng)一段時間才完成了這個轉(zhuǎn)變。它首先在電影《公主與青蛙》(The Princess and the Frog)使用這種制作權(quán)力框架,這部電影雖然深受評論界好評,但票房卻非常令人失望。2010年和2012年相繼推出的《魔發(fā)奇緣》(Tangled)和《無敵破壞王》(Wreck-it-Ralph)終于讓迪斯尼動畫嘗到了甜頭,這兩部電影的票房收入和評論反響均超出了預(yù)期。娛樂分析師懷伯說:“迪士尼動畫最近三年來接連制作出真正的好電影?!?/p>

????隨后,迪士尼動畫工作室推出根據(jù)安徒生童話《冰雪女王》(The Snow Queen)改編而成的《冰雪奇緣》。其實,早在上世紀(jì)40年代,迪士尼公司就萌生了這個想法。當(dāng)初拉塞特(他最初就是在迪斯尼動畫工作)回到迪士尼動畫工作室的時候,他依然記得一系列描繪冰凍世界的畫作,并從儲藏室中把它們重新挖掘出來?!拔覐膩頉]有忘記那些畫,”他說?!澳切┊嬅婵胺Q美輪美奐,簡直令人難以置信?!崩仉S后向電影《泰山》(Tarzan)的導(dǎo)演,也就是在那段黑暗歲月里離開迪斯尼的克里斯?巴克展示了這些畫作,說服他重返迪斯尼。后來,他又引入了《無敵破壞王》的編劇珍妮弗?李,后者也是第一位執(zhí)導(dǎo)迪斯尼動畫片的女性。《冰雪奇緣》的故事超越了時間概念(一個經(jīng)典的迪士尼故事理應(yīng)如此),同時又具備現(xiàn)代感——兩姐妹都是意志堅強,具有現(xiàn)代敏感性的角色,而不是被動地等候男士垂青的女性。

????《冰雪奇緣》的影響力遠遠超出電影院,從而使其成為伊格爾執(zhí)掌迪斯尼動畫期間賴以成名的協(xié)同效應(yīng)的一個重要例證。這部電影的主角安娜和艾莎,以及雪人奧拉夫已經(jīng)成為最暢銷的玩具,在迪斯尼主題公園開發(fā)《冰雪奇緣》景觀將是另一個合乎邏輯的步驟。出自羅伯特?洛佩茲和克里斯汀?安德森-洛佩茲之手的電影音樂也非常適合在百老匯演出。就以我們家為例。拜我的女兒所賜,這部電影的歌曲,比如《隨它去》(Let It Go)和《你想堆雪人嗎?》(Do You Want To Build A Snowman?),已經(jīng)成為我們?nèi)粘I畹谋尘皹贰?/p>




????They did, however, import one key Pixar attribute: They put the director, rather than the studio chief or the animation head, in charge of the story. Unlike many studios, Pixar lets the director determine the arc of the narrative. Technology is used in service of the storytelling rather than as its starting point. "It was an executive-driven studio," says Lasseter. "Now it's a filmmaker-driven studio." It was a major shift -- and one that took a while to catch on; first used with The Princess and the Frog, a well-reviewed film with disappointing sales, it began to catch hold with Tangled (2010) and Wreck-it-Ralph (2012), each of which outperformed financial and critical expectations. "Disney Animation has done three years in a row of really great stuff," says analyst Wible.

????Then came Frozen, based loosely on Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen, an idea that had kicked around Disney since the 1940s. Lasseter, whose first job was at Disney Animation, remembered a series of paintings of a frozen world and dug them out of storage when he came back. "I never forgot those paintings," he says. "They were so incredibly beautiful." Lasseter showed them to Chris Buck, the director of Tarzan, who had left Disney in the dark years, and helped convince him to come back. Later, he brought in Jennifer Lee, a screenwriter on Wreck-it-Ralph who is also the first woman to direct an animated Disney feature. Frozen's story is both timeless, as a classic Disney tale should be, and modern (both sisters are strong protagonists with a modern sensibility rather than passive females awaiting a man).

????Frozen's impact goes far beyond the movie theater, making it a key example of the synergy Iger has become known for during his Disney tenure. Anna and Elsa, the lead characters in the movie, have already become top-selling toys, as has Olaf the snowman, and a Frozen attraction at Disney's theme parks would be another logical step. Its music, written by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, is a natural for Broadway. In my house, for example, the movie's songs, such as "Let It Go," and "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" have become the soundtrack to our lives, thanks to my daughters.

????In his interview with Fortune, Iger confirmed for the first time that Disney is in discussions to develop a show, though there is no set time frame. "We're not demanding speed," he says. "We're demanding excellence."

????What this means for morale, says Iger, is harder to quantify, but also important. Disney Animation is no longer the frumpy second fiddle to Pixar. "I was very lucky that I came into an environment where the number one creative process is the story," Lee says. "It was like a startup because of this creative freedom and this energy." Although the impact of one film won't rock Disney's gargantuan bottom line -- especially since ESPN contributes so much of the profit -- animation is, and will always be, the emotional core of the business. Says Iger: "If you think long term about what Disney is and the success and the vitality of the brand, this is a very, very important event." Is it me, or is it getting warm in here????

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