


Doron Levin 2014-01-26

????全新林肯領(lǐng)航員(LincolnNavigator)是福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Co.)產(chǎn)品陣容中一位精心改款的新成員。更重要的是,這輛霸氣的大型SUV表明福特并沒有放棄重新把林肯打造成豪華品牌的決心。

????單獨(dú)來看,這輛將于今年年末投產(chǎn)的2015款領(lǐng)航員多少表明,福特在把林肯打造成豪華品牌的道路上已經(jīng)“打破常規(guī)”。原因是,這輛車上看不出明顯的家族符號(hào),也沒什么一眼能認(rèn)出的設(shè)計(jì)模式。打造一個(gè)豪華品牌是一條艱難曲折、代價(jià)高昂的漫漫征途。問問日產(chǎn)汽車(Nissan)就知道了,它為了打造英菲尼迪(Infiniti)已奮斗了將近30年。也可以問問通用汽車公司(General Motors),它為了讓凱迪拉克(Cadillac)重振雄風(fēng)已經(jīng)投入了不計(jì)其數(shù)的資金。





????福特汽車首席執(zhí)行官艾倫?穆拉利和首席營銷官吉姆?法雷兩人共同負(fù)責(zé)指導(dǎo)林肯的復(fù)興使命。這輛改款領(lǐng)航員不會(huì)讓很多路虎攬勝(Range Rover)車主移情別戀。但它會(huì)給美國的林肯經(jīng)銷商們提供一款重磅武器,與凱迪拉克凱雷德、路虎攬勝及梅賽德斯奔馳的GL一爭高低。讓經(jīng)銷商這個(gè)群體保持財(cái)務(wù)狀況良好并充滿激情對重塑一個(gè)品牌來說至關(guān)重要。








????The new Lincoln Navigator signifies a spruced-up addition to Ford Motor Co.'s vehicle lineup. More importantly, the big and fancy SUV proves that Ford hasn't lost its determination to recreate the Lincoln luxury brand.

????Taken alone, the 2015 Navigator, which will go into production later this year, gives few hints that Ford (F) has "broken the code" on making Lincoln mean luxury. That's because there is no code, no instant formula. Creating a luxury brand is a long, hard, expensive slog. Ask Nissan, which has struggled for nearly 30 years with Infiniti. Or General Motors (GM), which has spent prodigiously in the quest to fix Cadillac.

????The new Navigator's two most important improvements are a restyled exterior and interior, featuring the characteristic "twin-wing grille," as well as a turbocharged V6 engine that's more powerful than the V8 it replaces.

????No single model, no matter how impressive, can overnight create a luxury brand like BMW or Mercedes or Lexus. It takes 10 to 20 years of determined work by engineers, marketers, and designers, juiced with multiple billions of dollars. The answer as to why any automaker would undertake such a mission is simple: Lacking a luxury brand means forgoing huge profits. The global head of Infiniti, Johan de Nysschen described the propostion this way: "Premium luxury cars account for only 11% of global sales, but 50% of profit."

????Two vehicles may look and perform similarly. Slap a BMW badge on one of them, suddenly customers are prepared to pay tens of thousands of dollars more.

????Nissan and Toyota (TM) created their luxury brands in the late 1980s. While Toyota's Lexus turned into a big moneymaker, Nissan's Infiniti languished. Carlos Ghosn, Nissan's chief executive officer, lured de Nysschen from Audi last year to begin the long, arduous, and costly job of revitalizing Infiniti into a global luxury brand.

????Ford Motor chief executive officer Alan Mulally and chief marketing officer Jim Farley are overseeing Lincoln's renovation. The refreshed Navigator won't tempt many Range Rover owners to switch. But the new model will sustain U.S. Lincoln dealers with a vehicle they can sell against Cadillac Escalade, Range Rover, and the Mercedes-Benz GL. Keeping the dealer body financially healthy and enthusiastic is an important element to repairing the brand.

????"Patience is critical for Ford management," said Larry Dominique, president of ALG, a service that estimates the value of new vehicles after they have been leased for varying amounts of time. Automakers must be prepared to invest in new models and brand promotion for long periods, even if the increase in profit and prestige is slow.

????A comparison of the current Navigator against more prestigious competitors illustrates the point about profit. The 2014 Navigator starts at about $54,400, according to Edmunds.com. The 2014 Cadillac Escalade starts at $61,800, and the 2014 Range Rover starts at $85,700. While not identical, the three vehicles are similar in size, power, capability -- while generating remarkably different amounts of revenue for their makers. The difference reflects how customers regard the brands.

????Audi, which has long aspired to be considered a luxury brand, spent 20 years and untold billions climbing toward the premium pinnacle following a controversy in the late 1980s over accusations -- never proven -- that its cars accelerated unintentionally.

????Ultimately, the goal of automotive top managements at Ford, GM, Nissan, Toyota, and others is for their luxury brands to be considered on a par with BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi, the German triumvirate that commands top prices in all global vehicle markets.

????Ford Motor's Lincoln brand eventually may count itself among the world's most esteemed and pricey, though not anytime soon. A future generation of Ford management might be the first to enjoy the fruits of this one's labors.


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