


Patricia Sellers 2014-02-11














????You had no HR background before becoming chief of HR. You had no specific product oversight before heading product development. How do you get up to speed quickly?

????I go in, ask a lot of questions, demonstrate the desire to learn, and really understand the key areas of the business. Then I think of it like an onion. You learn the first layer, and then you peel back and you peel back. And over not that long a period of time, you can have a very good grasp of the organization. The other advice I give is: Have the right team. If you need to make changes, make those changes.

????What core message are you delivering as you travel to China and Europe and Latin America?

????There's no right turn or left turn in our strategy. We have a sound strategy. We need to accelerate the implementation of it. I want to make sure that employees around the globe understand the plan is the plan. Because I don't want to lose a minute.

????In Europe, you're investing heavily in a weak brand, Opel, and have lost billions. What is Opel's advantage as it competes with BMW and Mercedes?

????General Motors is a global automotive company. You have to have a strong presence in Europe. There's been tremendous improvement in recognition of Opel. If people give the products a chance and get the opportunity to drive them consistently, they're surprised and delighted by the strength of the Opel product line.

????What does the car of the future look like?

????We'll continue to see trends of increased efficiency from a fuel-economy and a CO2performance perspective. We'll continue to see trends relating to autonomous driving and safety features. And people are so tied to their smartphones and key consumer-electronics products. So we'll see the marriage of those into the vehicle in a way that is safe and doesn't create driver distraction.

????Do you still drive yourself to work?

????Yes, I do.

????What are you driving?

????I'm driving a Cadillac CTS. We own a Camaro SS -- the Camaro's one of my husband's and my favorite cars. We own a GMC Sierra pickup truck that my son, Nick, drives. We also own a Tahoe, and we're in what has turned into a multiyear search for the perfect older Camaro. We continue to look for that, but we've been a little busy lately.

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