


Michael Fitzpatrick 2014-02-12



????“由于創(chuàng)建美國磁懸浮系統(tǒng)的計劃僅處于初步階段,目前還沒有達成任何具體的成本估算,”負責該項目融資事務的日本國際協(xié)力銀行高級常務董事忠志前田告訴《財富》雜志( Fortune)。但底線是,日本將承擔初始階段(即華盛頓至巴爾的摩線路)的一半費用。“然而,”他補充說,“如果這個項目要成為現(xiàn)實,美國方面需要做大量的工作。”

????前田證實,40英里長的華盛頓至巴爾的摩線路的磁懸浮導軌和推進系統(tǒng)將由東京至大阪磁懸浮線路的建造者日本中央鐵路公司(JR Central)免費提供。


????項目的美國支持者、總部設在華盛頓特區(qū)東北磁懸浮公司(Northeast Maglev)聲稱,他們正在與日本中央鐵路公司密切合作,后者將為美國制造商提供技術和培訓支持。



????Thanks to magnetic levitation (maglev), train transport has finally caught up with our dreams of futuristic, 21st century travel. Japan is about to augment its busiest route, Tokyo to Osaka, with a maglev service and is now looking sell its tech know-how abroad. Its latest overseas target is the New York to Washington corridor. If a loose consortium of pro-maglev Japanese and Americans is successful, a service competing with airline speeds could be running somewhere along the northeast route within the first half of this century.

????Since maglev is an eye-watering, expensive alternative to conventional rail, requiring new, tech-heavy lines that can punch through mountains, the Japanese have felt compelled to offer a massive sweetener to Americans. Japan's state-owned overseas investment bank, the JBIC, is committing funding, while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made the gesture to President Obama that his country will gift the technology -- valued at $5 billion -- necessary to get the first leg off the ground. JBIC is backing that agreement and will stump up another potential $5 billion in construction costs if the route becomes reality, but the project is too premature, JBIC said in a statement, to promise an exact figure.

????"As plans are just preliminary for the American maglev system, there is nothing concrete agreed as regards a cost estimate," Tadashi Maeda, senior managing director of JBIC in charge of the financing to the project told Fortune. But the bottom line is that Japan will cover 50% of the cost at the initial stage, i.e., Washington to Baltimore. "However," he added, "the project will need a major undertaking from the U.S. if it is to become a reality."

????Maeda confirmed that the maglev guideway and propulsion system would be provided free for the 40-mile Washington-Baltimore link by the creators of the Tokyo-Osaka maglev line, the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central).

????The hope is that development of the Washington-Baltimore segment would entice investors to finance the rest of the line between Baltimore and New York. Only when this is done can the route expect to be profitable, says Maeda, given the sizable population along the Baltimore to New York route.

????The project's American backers, the Northeast Maglev (TNEM) based in Washington, D.C., say that they are working closely with JR Central, which will offer technology and training to American manufacturers.

????"For the first phase of the project, from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, we will be looking at a combination of public and private funding, in addition to the financial support received from JBIC," says TNEM CEO Wayne L. Rogers, who is an experienced investor in renewable energy projects. "We anticipate the cost of the first phase, from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, to be north of $10 billion. It is too early in the project to provide a cost estimate for the full length of the line to New York. Final project costs will depend on the route selected."

????With high population density along the route, the JBIC and TNEM insist the route could be profitable. Maeda, however, expressed reservations over the lack of federal funds in economically straitened times for such projects and the lack of involvement of U.S. industry leaders such as Amtrak. "The project needs proper commitment," he says.

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