


David Z. Morris 2014年02月14日






????But there has been widespread speculation and ample precedent for the idea that Apple is engaging in anticompetitive gatekeeping, in this case to protect its own proprietary mobile payment systems. From this perspective, the removal of Blockchain can be taken as a perverse stamp of approval for bitcoin -- Apple has also blocked Google (GOOG) services from its devices in the past, putting bitcoin in pretty sterling company. Meanwhile, bitcoin developers are hard at work on web-based solutions to put bitcoin management back in IOS users' hands.

????The real obstacles facing Bitcoin haven't changed -- primarily, regulatory uncertainty and the unwillingness of U.S. banks to work with bitcoin exchanges. But even the day after Shrem's arrest, New York regulators and bankers hosted upbeat fact-finding sessions, so those problems may be on the way to resolution.

????Regardless, the most important things that haven't changed are bitcoin's fundamental innovations and the ripeness of its market. Though there is still the distinct possibility that some other cryptocurrency will out-innovate bitcoin itself, the basic cryptocurrency model solves problems for so many constituents that its eventual adoption is something of a fait accompli. It is vastly more efficient and secure for online payments than the current maze of credit cards and ACH systems, promising to reduce merchant fees and fraud losses. It allows true peer-to-peer payments, with near-zero costs. And it finally enables the micropayments model that has been dreamt of since the dawn of the Internet, opening up potentially huge new revenue streams for writers and other content creators.

????We are sure to see more steps backwards and forwards before all of this comes to fruition. But five years from now, a few ethical faults, management catastrophes, and protectionist Hail Marys will barely merit footnotes.

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