


Miguel Helft 2014年02月14日



????智能家居公司Nest是谷歌風投部門Google Ventures投資的公司。對谷歌的并購部門來說,Google Ventures是否相當于業(yè)務(wù)擴展器?

????我們有著嚴密的信息隔離墻,以阻止部門間來回分享信息。我與Google Ventures的合伙人及部門主管比爾?馬里斯關(guān)系密切,但這種關(guān)系與我和凱鵬華盈(Kleiner Perkins)、安德森?霍洛維茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)及其它大型風投的關(guān)系是一樣的。

????洽談某個交易時,比如Nest的收購中,谷歌與Google Ventures之間是否存在固有的利益沖突?谷歌想盡可能把價格壓低,而Google Ventures想必希望盡量抬高價格。

????我們有非常硬性的規(guī)定,既要保護自身的利益,同時也要保護目標公司的利益。我一旦介入某個交易,Google Ventures就會申請撤離談判。在Nest交易中,我是與克萊納(Nest早期的一位投資人)和托尼?法德爾進行談判的。有關(guān)這一交易,Google Ventures不會發(fā)表任何看法。如果我們Google Ventures旗下的投資組合公司感興趣,我們在收購時都會采取這樣的做法。








????A lot of people see Nest as a jumping-off point to building hardware in new areas. Are they right?

????At this stage, it's really about helping [Nest CEO] Tony Fadell achieve his vision as fast as possible. And we believe that if we achieve his vision as fast as possible then it really opens up some opportunities in the future.

????Nest was a Google Ventures investment. Is Google Ventures a sort of lead generation machine for Google's M&A?

????We have a very strong ethical wall that prevents us from sharing information back and forth. I have a very close relationship with the partners at Google Ventures and with Bill Maris [who heads the venture group], but it's the same relationship I have at Kleiner Perkins or at Andreessen Horowitz and all the major VCs.

????When you are negotiating a deal like Nest, isn't there an inherent conflict of interest? Google wants the lowest possible price, and Google Ventures presumably wants the highest possible price.

????We have very strong rules in order to protect ourselves, but also to protect the target companies. Where I'm involved, Google Ventures will recuse themselves. In Nest, I negotiated with Kleiner [an early investor in Nest], and I negotiated with Tony [Fadell]. Google Ventures stayed out of providing advice in connection with the acquisition. And we do that across all our acquisitions were we are interested in a Google Ventures portfolio company.

????Early on, Google was not known as the best acquirer of companies from the point of view of entrepreneurs. How much had to work at this?

????We now have leads on my team that are embedded in the different product areas at Google. They're very closely in tune with the strategy for each of these product areas. There is a much tighter fit in terms of understanding what deals we look at and what deals are successful.

????On the integration backend, we are data-driven and we're focused. We'll still make mistakes, but we have the processes in place to make sure we don't make the same mistake twice.

????You mentioned mistakes. Many people see your recent deal to sell the Motorola handset business to Lenovo as unwinding a mistake, even though the initial acquisition of Motorola was in large part to buy its patent portfolio, which Google has kept.

????I think the Motorola transaction has been a success for us. Financially, we bought the asset for $12.5 billion. It had $3 billion in cash; we were able to sell the Home division for $2.5 billion; we ended selling the handset division for $3 billion. There were some other tax assets as well. When you work through the math, you realize we spent between $2.5 billion and $3.5 billion for the patent assets. At the time, the nearest comparable transaction was the Nortel patent auction where Microsoft (MSFT) and Apple (AAPL) teamed up to buy that asset for $4.5 billion. And there's a good argument that the Motorola patent portfolio is a better portfolio.

????As Larry noted, if you want to compete in the [handset] space you do need to be all in. We realized that Lenovo as a partner was all in, so that transaction made sense.

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