
馬克?安德森: 科技正在從低迷中復蘇

馬克?安德森: 科技正在從低迷中復蘇

JP Mangalindan 2014年02月17日


????“我認為,我們正在從低迷中復蘇,我想我們對于硅谷的低迷感受非常真切,”安德森-霍羅維茨風險投資公司(Andreessen Horowitz)的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人安德森本周在參加高盛(Goldman Sachs)于加州舊金山舉行的科技與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)會議的小組討論時表示。他所謂的“低迷”指的是2001年后眾多互聯(lián)網(wǎng)初創(chuàng)企業(yè)倒閉衰落的很多年?!斑@是一段非常痛苦的時期:全球很多地方都轉向了房地產(chǎn)和其他激動人心的事情?!?/p>

????但安德森解釋稱,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的發(fā)展曲線同樣遵循著汽車、鐵路和蒸汽機等老一代技術的老路——卡洛塔?佩雷茲2003年出版的書《技術變革和金融資本:泡沫和黃金時代的動力學》(Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages.)描繪了這樣的路徑。安德森說:“一開始,根本沒人拿新技術當回事。后來,它又太被當回事了,而且速度太快了。所有人都激動過頭。然后,巨大的災難襲來,然后才會迎來真正的開始?!?/p>




????Contrary to arguments that Silicon Valley is repeating the same process that led to the dot-com bust in the early 2000s, Marc Andreessen argues tech is doing something entirely different: emerging from an industry-wide depression.

????"I think we're recovering from a depression, and I think we felt the depression very acutely in the Valley," said Andreessen, co-founder of the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, during a panel at Goldman Sachs' Technology and Internet conference in San Francisco, Calif. this week. By "depression," he refers to the years following 2001 when many Internet startups crashed and burned. "It was a very miserable time: a lot of the rest of the world moved on into real estate and all these other exciting things."

????Instead, Andreessen explains that the Internet is following the same trajectory that older technologies like cars, railroads and steam engines followed -- a path illustrated in Carlota Perez's 2003 book, "Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages." Explained Andreessen: "First the new technology is not taken seriously at all. Then it's taken way too seriously way too quickly. Everybody gets too excited. Then there's a gigantic catastrophe, and then stuff actually starts happening."

????During the panel, Andreessen also weighed in on Bitcoin, the controversial digital currency that allows anonymous, instant payment exchanges anywhere in the world. Despite how it's currently perceived -- that it's primarily the stuff of "nerd fantasy" for "hackers, criminals and Silicon Valley guys" -- Andreessen views it as a fundamental technological breakthrough that addresses the problem of what he calls, "distributed trust." "Bitcoin is the first Internet class, Internet scale, Internet-made approach to dealing with money and transactions," he argued. "We think the technology leads itself to many other kinds of transactions, many other forms of things you can trust: digital stocks, digital bonds, digital keys, digital contracts, digital signatures, digital voting."

????Bitcoin's unprecedented versatility will likely lead to a regulatory agency "food fight" for instance, as parties attempt to legitimize it, but Andreessen argues Bitcoin is already helping re-imagine how the financial systems works and that it's potentially a good thing in particular for countries outside the developing world. As he reminded, some countries remain saddled with poor central banking systems, bad currencies, and theft and embezzlement on giant scales. Summed up Andreessen: "So the prospect of a new technology that literally runs entirely in software completely independent of any national policy, lets money travel freely across borders is actually a pretty big deal once you get out of the West. "


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