


Erin Griffith 2014年02月17日

????大約在2012年年底的時(shí)候,科技行業(yè)掀起了加速器項(xiàng)目熱潮。自Y孵化器(Y Combinator)成功催生熱門企業(yè)Airbnb和Dropbox之后,上千個(gè)初創(chuàng)公司加速器項(xiàng)目在美國(guó)如雨后春筍般涌現(xiàn)出來(lái)。這些項(xiàng)目成為了年輕初創(chuàng)企業(yè)的訓(xùn)練營(yíng),而學(xué)費(fèi)便是公司的一小部分股權(quán)。但是問(wèn)題在于,對(duì)初創(chuàng)企業(yè)真正有幫助的加速器項(xiàng)目究竟有多少?



????為此,迪斯尼選擇了與加速器項(xiàng)目最知名運(yùn)營(yíng)商之一的TechStars開展合作,后者所運(yùn)營(yíng)的加速器項(xiàng)目已經(jīng)遍及7個(gè)城市。TechStars之前也與其他公司合作過(guò),例如它曾與卡普蘭(Kaplan)、巴克萊銀行(Barclays)、Sprint 、R/GA和耐克就加速器項(xiàng)目開展過(guò)合作。【然而,耐克數(shù)字體育創(chuàng)新高級(jí)總監(jiān)里奇?恩格博格(在《衛(wèi)報(bào)》(Guardian)去年召開的Activate New York會(huì)議上稱,耐克2014年的項(xiàng)目可能會(huì)采取不同的形式?!?/p>





????迪斯尼內(nèi)部已成立了幾支專注于創(chuàng)新的團(tuán)隊(duì)。迪斯尼互動(dòng)實(shí)驗(yàn)室(Disney Interactive Labs)為公司打造數(shù)字產(chǎn)品,Disney Imagineering負(fù)責(zé)設(shè)計(jì)和開發(fā)工作,同時(shí)與大學(xué)開展合作。迪斯尼企業(yè)研發(fā)工作室同時(shí)也是一個(gè)創(chuàng)新中心。除此之外,這家公司還于一年前舉辦了一個(gè)“開發(fā)人員日”活動(dòng)。期間,各位創(chuàng)始人競(jìng)相向迪斯尼高管諫言獻(xiàn)策。最終,迪斯尼投資了其中的三家公司。




????Sometime around late 2012, the tech world hit peak accelerator. Following the success of Y Combinator, which spawned breakout hits Airbnb and Dropbox, thousands of startup accelerator programs sprung up across the country. These programs act as a boot camp for young startups in exchange for a small chunk of equity, but it is questionable how many of them really help.

????No matter, corporations want in on the startup action. Conglomerates from Nike (NKE) and Kraft (KRFT) to Microsoft (MSFT) have created programs as a way to learn from innovative young founders while providing them resources in the process. Call it innovation by osmosis. Add another one to the list today: Disney has announced its own accelerator, to be based in Los Angeles.

????"We realized that not all of the best thinking can possibly come from inside the enterprise," says Kevin Mayer, EVP of corporate strategy and business development at Disney. "We're bringing in folks with fresh points of view that wouldn't otherwise be in our sphere."

????To do this, Disney paired up with TechStars, one of the most well-known accelerator operators, with programs in seven cities. TechStars has set a precedent for corporate partnerships, working with Kaplan, Barclays, Sprint, R/GA, and Nike for their accelerators. (However, the Nike program may take a different form in 2014, according to Ricky Engelberg, senior director of innovation for digital sport, speaking at Guardian's Activate New york conference last year.)

????Disney (DIS) will invest a generous $120,000 to each of the 10 or so startups it chooses for the program, with an option for another $100,000 in convertible debt. The deal gives Disney a 6% stake in the companies, which can fluctuate depending on whether they take the debt. (For context, most accelerators offer less than $50,000. Participation in Y Combinator previously offered startups six-figure sums via Y Combinator's partner investors, YCVC, but YCVC lowered its offer to $80,000 in the last year.)

????Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger will act as a mentor to the Disney Accelerator startups, as will top Disney executives across its many divisions. Part of the mentors' jobs will be to help the young startups navigate a large corporation like Disney, which is something they need to learn if they plan to work with big media companies. "It's a big swimming pool and you can drown, I guess, if you're not careful," Mayer said.

????Disney seeks applications from any startup related to any of Disney's businesses, at any stage. The only thing it doesn't want is scripts, Mayer said.

????Mayer leads Disney's M&A and investment activity. The company has done around 50 acquisitions over the last eight years, including startups like Tapulous and Playdom. Disney will consider investments and acquisitions of the startups in the accelerator, he said. The company obviously hopes to see a return on its investment, but is most interested in the injection of energy and fresh thinking that startups bring. "That in itself will provide a financial return to the company, though it's less easily measurable," he said.

????Disney already has a few in-house teams focused on innovation. Disney Interactive Labs builds digital products for the company, Disney Imagineering does design and development work and partners with universities. And Disney's corporate R&D lab also serves as a center of innovation. Beyond that, the company hosted a developer day a year ago, where founders pitched ideas to Disney executives. Disney ended up investing in three of those companies.

????This program is an extension of the developer day, Mayer says. The accelerator starts on June 30, and applications are open until April 16.


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